Mattias Wedar appointed new President of Eniro Denmark

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On August 20, 2010, Mattias Wedar will assume the position of new President of Eniro Denmark. For the past two years, he has held the position as Chief Information Officer, in addition to being a driving force in several of the development projects that influence the Eniro Group.

Meanwhile, Einar Storsul will be appointed as the new Chief Information Officer. Einar has worked at Eniro since 2001, most recently as CTO for Eniro Norway.

“We are not satisfied with the trend in Denmark, despite Eniro surpassing the competitor "De Gule Sider" (European Directories) in terms of sales and profitability. I am convinced that Mattias is the right person to head operations in Denmark and advance the business in a more positive direction,” says President and CEO Jesper Kärrbrink.

Eniro is in the midst of a comprehensive transformation process that involves developing and adapting the offering to an online format. A number of projects are also underway that will lead to a more efficient and commercially successful Eniro.

Mattias Wedar has been employed at Eniro since 2005 and will remain a member of Eniro’s Group management.

For more information:
Mattias Wedar: Phone:  +46 8 553 310 13, Mobil +46 705 552 216
Jesper Kärrbrink, President and CEO: Phone: +46 8 553 310 01


Eniro is the leading directory and search company in the Nordic media market. Eniro’s search database connects sellers to buyers and makes it easy to find people using Eniro´s distribution channels Online, Printed directories, Voice and mobile. Eniro has operations in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Poland.