Publication of change in the total number of shares and votes in Eniro

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Due to the registration of the remaining part of the rights issue and the subsequent reverse share split in Eniro AB (publ), the total number of shares and votes as of January 31, 2011 amounts to 100,180,740.

During January 2011, the remaining part of the rights issue, 82,496,095 shares, has been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (resulting in a total number of shares and votes of 5,009,037,009) and the reverse share split, through which 50 shares were consolidated into one share (1:50), has been carried out (resulting in a total number of shares and votes of 100,180,740 as of January 31, 2011).

As of January 1, 2011, the total number of shares and votes in Eniro amounted to 4,926,540,914. This implies that the total number of shares and votes during January 2011 has decreased by 4,826,360,174 shares and votes.

For more information:

Lars Berg, Chairman of the Board +46 8 553 311 14
Johan Lindgren, CEO +46 8 553 311 14
Birgitta Henriksson, Acting Head of IR, +46 70 812 86 39

The above information is such that Eniro shall make public in accordance with the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was published at 18.00 CET on January 31, 2011.

Eniro is the Nordic region’s largest search company. Both consumers and companies can use Eniro’s services to easily locate where to buy services and products – regardless of whether the channel is internet, catalog or mobile. Advertisers can actively market themselves to interested consumers, find new customers and increase sales. Better search means better business.

Eniro has 4,400 employees in the Nordic region and Poland and has been listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm since 2000. Headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden. More on Eniro at