Reminder: Eniro’s Capital Market Day

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Eniro is arranging a Capital Market Day on the 27th of November 2006 in Stockholm. The management will provide a description of Eniro’s current challenges, strategic choices and priorities.

From the program:
· Competitive environment, strategy and challenges for 2007
· The Internet market in the Nordic countries
· Online strategy in Sweden and Norway
· Trends and initiatives within Offline in Sweden and Norway
· Wer liefert Was? – a description of the present situation

Time: 13:00-18:30 CET
Registration and lunch buffet from 12:00 CET
Cocktail and dinner from 18:30 CET

Place: Berns Salonger, Kammarsalen, Berzelii Park, Stockholm

Please register at the latest November 17 by sending the information below to Åsa Lilja via e-mail to or fax +46 8 585 090 15.

I will attend Eniro’s Capital Market Day 2006
I would like to have lunch Yes  No 
I would like to attend the cocktail and dinner Yes  No 

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