Report from Eniro AB Annual General Meeting

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· Dividend to the shareholders of SEK 5.20 per share (4.40).
· Lars Berg, Barbara Donoghue, Luca Majocchi and Harald Strømme were reelected to the Board.
· Karin Forseke, Mattias Miksche and Simon Waldman were newly elected.

Eniro’s resigning President and CEO, Tomas Franzén, summarized in his speech the previous year during which Eniro’s position as the leading search company in the Nordic region has strengthened. During 2007 the Group generated more than SEK 2 billion in online revenues and Eniro’s Internet networks reached an all time high record of searches.

“The ambition in the medium range is to achieve revenue growth of 3-5 percent annually, with a high sustainable EBITDA margin. To achieve this, the focus during 2008 will be to accelerate growth in our Internet revenue, to increase revenues from our directory assistance services and to reduce the decline in revenues from printed directories” said Tomas Franzén.

Dividend of SEK 5.20 per share
In accordance with the Board’s proposal, the Annual General Meeting voted in favor of a dividend of SEK 5.20 per share. The record date for the right to receive the dividend is May 12, 2008. Payment of the dividend through VPC is expected to occur on May 15, 2008.

Election of the Board
In accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, the Annual General Meeting voted to leave the number of Board members unchanged at seven. The Annual General Meeting then voted to reelect Lars Berg, Barbara Donoghue, Luca Majocchi and Harald Strømme and newly elect Karin Forseke, Mattias Miksche and Simon Waldman. Per Bystedt, Gunilla Fransson and Tomas Franzén declined reelection. Lars Berg was elected Chairman of the Board.

The Annual General Meeting voted to pay a fee in the amount of SEK 1 million to the Board Chairman and SEK 420,000 each to the members elected by the Annual General Meeting. In addition, it was decided to pay an extra SEK 75,000 for committee work to four members, and SEK 150,000 to the Chairman of the Audit Committee for work performed.

It was also decided, in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal, that all Board members, with the exception of members employed within Eniro Group, shall, during the time until the next Annual General Meeting, acquire shares in the company in an amount corresponding to at least SEK 180,000, with a standard deduction for tax of 50 percent, and the Chairman of the Board, in an amount corresponding to at least SEK 350,000, with a standard deduction for tax of 50 percent.

Principles for remuneration and conditions of employment for the Company’s management
The Board Chairman reported on the Board’s proposed principles for remuneration and other conditions of employment for the company’s management. The Annual General Meeting voted in accordance with the Board’s proposal.

Decision to authorize the Board to decide on the acquisition of shares in the company
The authorization was received for the Board whereby, during the time until the next Annual General Meeting, the Board may decide on the acquisition of shares in the company on the Stockholm Stock Exchange in an amount corresponding to a maximum of 10 percent of the total shares outstanding in the company.

Establishment of the Nomination Committee
In accordance with a Nomination Committee proposal, the Annual General Meeting decided on the formation of the Nomination Committee: The Chairman of the Board shall contact the four largest shareholders by number of votes, each of whom will appoint a representative and, together with the Chairman, constitute the Nomination Committee until the next Annual General Meeting has been held or, as the need may arise, until a new Nomination Committee has been appointed. If any of these shareholders elects to abstain from the right to appoint a representative, this right passes to the shareholder who, after these shareholders, has the largest shareholding. The Nomination Committee appoints its own Chairman (but not the Chairman of the Board). The composition of the Nomination Committee shall be made public through a separate press release as soon as it has been appointed and not later than six months prior to the Annual General Meeting.

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