Telenor Sweden selects Eniro’s search services

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Telenor Sweden has selected Eniro as the supplier of search engines and directory inquiries via telephone calls and SMS. Eniro will supply a turnkey solution featuring personnel and technical systems to Telenor Sweden.

The agreement is for two years and entails an extension of the current service delivery from Eniro and an expansion with foreign information and responses to questions through SMS. Jointly, the parties will further develop the engines to provide service for customers who, via the telephone, search for names and numbers, the closest flower shop or information that requires more advanced searches in Eniro’s unique database.  

“Together with Eniro, we will provide Telenor customers with even better service, such as foreign information and responses to questions via SMS. Eniro will be a supplier that fulfills our meticulous demands for information services and, together, we will develop new types of services for our mobile customers,” says Mats Lundquist, Business Area Manager, Telenor Sweden.

Eniro will supply a turnkey solution featuring personnel and technical systems to Telenor Sweden. The services are based on Eniro’s database and current technical platforms.  

“We are delighted to have now increased and extended our business partnership with Telenor Sweden. The agreement is proof of Eniro’s strong position in the Nordic market for information by telephone and SMS,” says Johan Lindgren, CEO of Eniro.  


For more information, please contact:
Magdalena Bonde, Head of Eniro’s Voice Business Area, +46 (0)702-71 78 40
Christine Kullgren, Media Relations, Eniro AB, +46 (0)730-49 48 37

Eniro is the Nordic region’s largest search company. Both consumers and companies can use Eniro’s services to easily locate where to buy products and services in which they are interested – regardless of whether the channel is internet, catalog or mobile. Advertisers can actively market themselves to interested consumers and companies and thus find new customers and increase sales. Better search means better business.

Eniro has 4,400 employees in the Nordic region and Poland and has been listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm since 2000. Headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden. More on Eniro at
