The Nomination Committee’s proposal regarding Board of Directors and new Chairman of the Board of Eniro AB ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2019
Eniro’s Nomination Committee proposes ahead of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 9 May, 2019, that Arne Myhrman shall be elected as new Chairman of the Board. Joachim Berner has declined re-election. The Nomination Committee proposes election of Urban Hilding as new Director of the Board and re-election of the Directors Johnny Sommarlund, Henrik Salwén and Magdalena Bonde.
The Nomination Committee proposes that the number of Board Directors shall be increased to five.
Arne Myhrman, born 1954, Master of Science (KTH), Stockholm. Arne has extensive experience of leading positions in technology-intensive businesses. During 2011 - 2018 he was Chairman of the Board of DistIT AB (publ) (listed on First North Premium) and also working Chairman and appointed CEO during parts of this time. Previous experience includes being CEO of the Nordic operations within Generics Group plc, Vice President/CFO of Tjänstepensionsrådgivarna AB and consultant at PA Consulting Group AB. He has several years of experience of board work of both listed and private companies.
Urban Hilding, born 1964, education in marketing communication from RMI-Bergh's IHM and Stockholm University. Urban has a background and experience of digital channels eg. digital strategy, social media, data-driven marketing, search engine and keyword marketing and media analysis. He is since 2006 the CEO with responsibility for all Interpublic Group's (IPG) agencies in Sweden with media purchases of 1.3 billion and 80 employees. Prior to that, he was, ad director and CEO of DN Annonsförsäljning AB, primarily responsible for all advertising sales within Dagens Nyheter's media channels.
The Nomination Committee’s full proposal will be presented in the notice for Eniro’s Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 9 May 2019 in Kista.
The Nomination Committee’s report and reasoned statement regarding the proposed Directors to the Board and information regarding the proposed Directors will be available at the Company and the Company’s website,
The Nomination Committee consists of Arne Myhrman (appointed by Hajskäret Invest AB), Chairman of the Nomination Committee, Johnny Sommarlund (appointed by MGA Placeringar AB), llija Batljan (own shareholding and via companies) Tedde Jeansson (own shareholding and via companies) and Joachim Berner (Chairman of the Board of Eniro).
Behind the Nominating Committee’s members stand shareholders who together hold approximately
20 % of all shares and votes in the Company.
For more information, please contact:
Arne Myhrman, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, phone 073-383 64 67
This information is such that Eniro AB (publ) is obligated to disclose pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on 26 March 2019 at 19.15. CET.
Eniro is a leading search company for individuals and businesses in the Nordic region. Eniro Group has approximately 1,100 employees. The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm [ENRO], with approximately 14,000 shareholders at present and is headquartered in Kista, Stockholm. More on Eniro at
This document has been prepared in Swedish and translated into English. In the event of any discrepancies between the Swedish and the translation, the former shall take precedence.