Director/PDMR Shareholding

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Notification of transactions of directors and persons discharging managerial responsibility

Pursuant to the Company’s obligations under Disclosure and Transparency Rule 3.1.4R(1), the Company gives notice that on 11 May 2012 the following directors and persons discharging managerial responsibility were granted options to acquire the following number of ordinary shares of £0.05 each in the Company at an exercise price of 100 pence per share, pursuant to the Rules of the EnQuest PLC 2012 Sharesave Scheme (the "Scheme"): 


Jonathan Swinney            9,000 

Other Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility 

David Heslop                      9,000 

The Board of the Company adopted the Scheme in February 2012. The Scheme is an HMRC-approved share plan under which all employees of the EnQuest group are eligible to participate. The Scheme enables individuals to acquire shares in the Company in a tax-efficient manner using monies saved from salary over a three or five year period, subject to a limit of £250 per month. Unless and until the Company's shareholders approve the use of newly issued ordinary shares under the Scheme, options granted under the Scheme must be satisfied using purchased ordinary shares. Such approval is being sought at the AGM on 30 May 2012.

Contact for enquiries:

EnQuest PLC

Paul Waters

Company Secretary

020 7925 4900
