Change in number of shares and votes in Beijer Electronics Group
The total number of shares in Beijer Electronics Group AB as per April 29, 2022 amounts to 29,051,688, divided into 28,768,324 ordinary shares and 283,364 class C shares, corresponding to a total of 28,796,660.4 votes.
The increased number of shares and votes is due to a new share issue of 99,750 class C shares within the company’s incentive program LTI 2021/2024. The company holds all class C shares. The shares are intended to be used for hedging of obligations under the incentive program.
This disclosure contains information that Beijer Electronics Group is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 29-04-2022 10:30 CET.
For more information please contact:
President and CEO, Jenny Sjödahl, tel +46 (0)16 42 80 00, mobile +46 (0)725 89 60 80
Executive VP and CFO Joakim Laurén, tel +46 (0)40 35 84 96, mobile +46 (0)703 35 84 96
Beijer Electronics Group AB is a growing powerhouse of innovators within mission-critical industrial digital technology and IIoT. With a strong focus on the connection between people, technology and data, we share a pride in having some of the world's leading global companies as our core customers. Since its start-up in 1981, BEIJER GROUP has evolved into a multinational group of complementary business entities with sales over 1.6 billion SEK in 2021.
The company is listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm Main Market's Mid Cap-list under the ticker BELE.