Episealer® publication available online
Episurf Medical (Nasdaq: EPIS B) today communicates that a publication with the title “Successful Treatment of Femoral Chondral Lesions with a Novel Customized Metal Implant at Midterm Follow-Up” from a Swedish prospective multicentre study has been published in the scientific journal Cartilage. In total, 30 Episealer® patients are included in the study and the average follow-up time is 55 months (subjective outcome scores at 24 months, survival data at 24 – 86 months, mean of 55 months).
The authors conclude the study with the words “The risk of OA progression and implant loosening is low. Subjective function and pain improved significantly.”
Link to the publication: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1947603520967064
For more information, please contact:
Pål Ryfors, CEO, Episurf Medical
Tel:+46 (0) 709 62 36 69
Email: pal.ryfors@episurf.com
About Episurf Medical
Episurf Medical is endeavoring to bring people with painful joint injuries a more active, healthier life through the availability of minimally invasive and individualised treatment alternatives. Episurf Medical’s Episealer® individualised implants and Epiguide® surgical drill guides are developed for treating localised cartilage injury in joints. Episurf Medical’s μiFidelity® system enables implants to be cost-efficiently tailored to each individual’s unique injury for the optimal fit and minimal intervention. Episurf Medical’s head office is in Stockholm, Sweden. Its share (EPIS B) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, go to the company’s website: www.episurf.com.