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Episurf Medical intensifies sales and marketing efforts through increased participation at European orthopaedic conferences

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“We have identified orthopaedic conferences and in particular, specialist knee meetings, as one of the most productive avenues for meeting surgeons, physicians and key opinion leaders. During two recent conferences in Liverpool and Dresden, we met multiple surgeons who are eager to start using Episurf products. At these conferences, we were able to get valuable insights directly from the medical professionals who have  confirmed there is treatment gap for which  the Episealer® patient specific implant technology offers a viable treatment option”, says Rosemary Cunningham Thomas, CEO, Episurf Medical.

The aforementioned European conferences were: 15tth –17th September 2015 – where Episurf Medical participated in its inaugural British Orthopaedic Association’s annual meeting held in Liverpool, England, and from 17th–19th September Episurf attended AGA, (Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery) in Dresden, Germany.

“The AGA conference in Dresden turned out be our best to date, with three times the leads of previous exhibitions. We could also see a distinct shift, where surgeons specifically came looking for us to discuss their patients. These conferences offer the perfect opportunity for our sales team to further establish relationships with surgeons, highlight Episealer®’s distinct advantages and actively encourage surgeons to find suitable Episealer patients,” says Rosemary Cunningham Thomas, CEO, Episurf Medical.

Episurf Medical has three patient specific implants on the market, which complement each other and allow the company to meet the increasing need for treating the different types of lesions in knee joints. Insights from conferences give the company an opportunity to gather market intelligence, be responsive to the needs of surgeons and to effectively develop and introduce new Episurf products.


About Episurf Medical
Episurf Medical is endeavoring to bring people with painful joint injuries a more active, healthier life through the availability of minimally invasive and personalized treatment alternatives. Episurf Medical’s Episealer® personalized implants and Epiguide® surgical drill guides are in development for treating localized cartilage injury in joints. Episurf Medical’s μiFidelity® system will enable implants to be cost-efficiently tailored to each individual’s unique injury for the optimal fit and minimal intervention.

Episurf Medical’s head office is in Stockholm, Sweden. Its share (EPIS B) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, go to the company’s website: www.episurf.com. The information in this press release is such that Episurf Medical AB is required to disclose in accordance with the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.



         For more information, please contact:
         Rosemary Cunningham Thomas, CEO, Episurf Medical
         Tel: +46 (0) 70-7655892
         Tel: +44 (0) 7803-753603