Interim Report April - December 2022

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A very strong quarter with a significant sales growth and a stable profit

October - December

  • Consolidated sales during the third quarter, October to December amounted to SEK 80.2 (117.16) million. Adjusted for non-recurring sales the revenue amounted to 56.1 (33.1) MSEK, an increase of 69%.
  • Gross profit amounted to SEK 35.5 (32.5) million for the quarter, an increase of 9%.
  • EBIT amounted to SEK 15.5 (18.0) million, a decrease of 14%. The operating margin was 19% (15%).
  • Earnings per share were SEK 0:41 (0:59) for the quarter.
  • Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK -2.1 (12.4) million for the quarter.
  • Cash and cash equivalents were SEK 26.2 (20.5) million at the end of the quarter.

April - December

  • Consolidated sales during the period April-December amounted to SEK 199.6 (206.7) million. Adjusted for non-recurring sales the revenue amounted to 150.3 (99.2) MSEK, an increase of 51%.
  • Gross profit for the same period amounted to SEK 87.8 (64.2) million, an increase of 36.8%.
  • EBIT for April-December amounted to SEK 35.3 (27.0) million.
  • Earnings per share were SEK 0:92 (0:86) for the period.
  • Cash flow from operating activities amounted to SEK -15.0   (-6.1) million during April-December.
  • Cash and cash equivalents were SEK 26.2 (20.5) million at the end of December.

CEO’s comments

A warm welcome to our Q3 report! It's been another busy quarter for us at EQL Pharma with strong growth in our drug sales, new approvals and a lot of Covid self-test sales. The comparison quarter Q3 2021/22 as a whole is difficult to match because people were more likely to test themselves a year ago. We update the growth forecast for the current full year from north of 30% to closer to 40%.

Third quarter in summary

The third quarter's total sales in 2022/23 amounted to SEK 80.2 (117.6) million. Adjusted for non-recurring sales, sales amounted to SEK 56.1 (33.1) million, an increase of almost 70%. Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK 15.5 (18.0) million, a decrease of 14%. The operating margin was 19% (15%), the positive trend continues. During the quarter, development projects where the outlook has deteriorated have been written down in the balance sheet. We have also taken some height for the uncertainty in the sale of self-tests by writing down a proportion of the current stock.

Financial goals and full-year forecast

Our long-term financial goals remain fixed. However, we adjust the outlook for the current year from a sales growth north of 30 percent to a growth close to 40%, i.e. on par with our long-term plan.

Strategic focus of EQL

  • Launch the pipeline products as fast as possible
  • Maximize the utility of our assets by launching products in more countries, by ourselves or through partnerships
  • Continuously identify and sign new niche generics to be launched in the Nordics and elsewhere to secure long-term growth
  • Outlicense and market our strategic key asset Mellozzan
  • Be cost-efficient in everything we do
  • Continue to curiously explore new business models and potential revenue streams (e.g. as was done with the personal protective equipment (PPE) and the covid tests)

Products and market

Our first distribution product Abiraterone Qilu against disseminated prostate cancer has been launched in Norway and Sweden during the quarter.

During the quarter, we have also launched the medicine Ondansetron EQL Pharma against nausea from, among other things, radiotherapy and chemotherapy in both Sweden and Denmark. The market is approx. SEK 15 million annually with three to six active competitors.

Sales of self-tests for Covid-19 have continued in the third quarter mainly as a result of the peak of infection in December. EQL is and will remain well positioned if the demand for tests continues.

In the quarter, the drugs Copneg, Levosimendan and Tigecyclin EQL Pharma have been approved for sale in a number of countries. Furthermore, the distribution products Ampitar and Penicryl Polfa as well as Meropenem and Sugammadex Qilu have been approved. Above medicines are hospital products.

In November, EQL was named "Gasell company Skåne" by Dagens Industri (“gasell” meaning ~ exceptionally fast growing) and among 99 Gasell companies in southern Sweden, we placed 6th.

For further information, please contact:
Axel Schörling
CEO & President, EQL Pharma AB (publ)

Phone: +46 (0) 763 – 17 90 60

EQL Pharma AB (publ) in short

EQL Pharma AB specializes in developing and selling niche pharmaceuticals. The company currently has more than 20 niche generics (ie generics with limited competition apart from the reference pharmaceutical) approved in the Nordic markets and a couple of originals. In addition to these, there is a significant pipeline of mainly niche generics for launch in 2023 and beyond. The business is currently entirely focused on prescription pharmaceuticals, including hospital products, in the Nordic region and in selected European markets. EQL Pharma AB conducts its operations in Lund and is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market. EQL Pharma AB conducts extensive development work in collaboration with leading contract manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies in the EU and Asia, among others.