Ericsson and Sony joint press briefing on TV

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Ericsson and Sony invite you to a joint press briefing on TV solutions, where they will touch upon the latest developments and market trends, as well as demonstrate some of the latest technologies in the area.

World leaders in telecommunications and media, respectively, Ericsson and Sony have a unique position to talk about TV solutions, including content generation and distribution, IPTV, mobile TV, video on demand and interaction of devices and services based on platforms such as IMS and DLNA, as well as the end-user experience and needs from  both professional and private perspective.
When: Thursday, November 23, 2006. 12:30pm
Where: Ericsson Experience Center at Torshamnsgatan 23, Kista, Stockholm, Sweden.
Spokespersons: Niclas Medman, Strategic Marketing Manager, Media Solutions, Ericsson / Per Nordlöf, Director, Product Strategy & Portfolio Management / Eric Siereveld, Director Retail, Transport & Venues, Sony Professional Solutions Europe

12:30-13:00 Lunch

13:00- 14:30 Briefing, Demos and Q&A

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