Ericsson equipment powers AT&T Wireless UMTS service in Dallas, San Diego

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Today's launch continues a long relationship between Ericsson and AT&T Wireless to bring advanced third-generation data services to market. The two companies first announced they would work together to migrate AT&T Wireless' networks to 3G in November 2000. In February 2002, the companies made the first live 3G UMTS voice call in the United States. AT&T Wireless and Ericsson began a network trial in Dallas in December 2002 with the first call over a live 1900 MHz UMTS/WCDMA system in the Americas. Ericsson was also a major supplier to the carrier's EDGE system, the first national 3G network in the United States.

"The march to 3G services in North America continues with AT&T Wireless' announcement today of two more UMTS launches," said Angel Ruiz, Ericsson's North American president and chief executive officer. "Ericsson is proud to work with AT&T Wireless to deliver richer consumer offerings and higher network capacity."

AT&T Wireless' UMTS service gives subscribers continuous, high-speed wireless connections. Customers can now use a handset, PDA or laptop to receive streaming audio and video services; create and share video clips; experience richer and more visually compelling content; and connect to critical business information, in most areas throughout these cities. The deployments will also support all IP-based network architecture to streamline network functions significantly.
