WAC and operator to benefit from Ericsson eStore

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  • Ericsson supports operators' Wholesale Applications Community (WAC) with its cloud-based eStore application platform
  • Telenor Group signs agreement for first white-label application store integrated into WAC

At the 2010 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) launched its eStore, an online application store or marketplace where operators can easily establish themselves and offer mobile-phone users access to their wares. Just one year on, Ericsson is not only launching large operators on the platform, but also delivering a solution to WAC members.

At the WAC press conference at Mobile World Congress 2011, Ericsson President and CEO Hans Vestberg said: "WAC is an operator-driven industry initiative to reach and attract applications developers, and to help operators to commercialize those applications through a branded application store. Ericsson's contribution to this initiative is as the first supplier to provide a white label store, fully integrated with the WAC content catalogue and readily available to WAC member operators to brand and take to market in a very short time."

During 2010, Ericsson made several achievements in the global application store domain. One example is the the cloud-based eStore proposition to the Telenor Group.

"The Telenor deal is a good example of how operators can offer cloud software services to the subscribers," Vestberg said. "It will provide users with new, cool applications of their choice and help operators to create new revenues."

Under its agreement with Ericsson, Telenor will pilot a launch in Serbia with Ericsson's white-label application store connected to WAC - the first white-label store fully integrated into WAC. Ericsson thus becomes the first external vendor to offer a WAC white-label commercial solution, open to consumers. Branding and implementing the storefront was completed in a very short time.

A global application store, now successfully integrated with the WAC content catalogue, where users can download applications, regardless of which mobile phone they are using, is a new way of working that's beneficial to both the users. The Ericsson solution includes Opera client software, enabling a cross platform, compelling mobile internet experience.  

Ericsson is supporting the WAC initiative at strategic and executive level, including a seat at the WAC board. Ericsson is engaged in the future evolution of WAC, with a strong focus on opening up networks' APIs for developers to drive universal in-application payments and other value enhancements.

The application store eco-system's requirements and solutions are also directly related to a parallel trend in the communications industry - connecting and serving the billions of devices installed in homes, vehicles, utilities and other industry verticals. Ericsson's infrastructure and support processes now serving WAC and applications to mobile users can easily be transferred to such contexts.

Notes to editors:

Photos, video and bio of Hans Vestberg:


 Press release February 15, 2011: "Ericsson enables Idea's Online Application Store"


 Press release February 15, 2010 "New application store for all handset users"


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Ericsson is advancing its vision of being the "prime driver in an all-communicating world" through innovation, technology, and sustainable business solutions. Working in 175 countries, more than 90,000 employees generated revenue of SEK 203.3 billion (USD 28.2 billion) in 2010. Founded in 1876 with the headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, Ericsson is listed on NASDAQ OMX, Stockholm and NASDAQ New York.



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