Bulletin from the extraordinary shareholders' meeting in Esmaeilzadeh Holding

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Today, on 30 November 2022, Esmaeilzadeh Holding AB (publ) held an extraordinary shareholders' meeting in Stockholm. At the meeting, the following resolutions were made.

Share issues with payment by set-off

The shareholders' meeting resolved on directed share issues of in total 12,800 B shares. The shares were issued as payment for certain acquisitions of shares and receivables. Through the set-off issues, liabilities in Esmaeilzadeh Holding AB of SEKm 92.8 are converted to equity. 

Resolution to approve certain share issues and transfers of shares

The shareholders' meeting approved the share issues and transactions with shares and other financial instruments made by certain subsidiaries of Esmaeilzadeh Holding AB.

Election of new Board Member

The shareholders' meeting elected Rasmus Ingerslev as new board member for the period up until the end of next annual shareholders' meeting. 

For more information, please contact:

Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, CEO and Founder

Phone: +46 707 18 70 61

Email: saeid@ehab.group 

Nils Fredrik Lagerstrand, General Counsel & IR

Phone: +46 720 90 26 99

Email: nilsfredrik@ehab.group

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above on 30 November 2022, 12:00 CET.

About Esmaeilzadeh Holding AB (publ)

EHAB is an investment company that manages and establishes acquisition-oriented companies within a variety of industries and deep niches. EHAB's portfolio is constantly evolving as new opportunities and interesting niches are identified. EHAB’s net asset value amounts to approximately SEK 7.6 billion. For more information, see www.ehab.group.
