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The shareholders of Etteplan Oyj are invited to the Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders. The Meeting will be held on
September 21st, 2005 at 1.00 p.m. in Bank, Meeting Point, at the
address of Unioninkatu 20, 00130 Helsinki. Recording of the persons
singed in for the meeting and delivering of the ballots will start
at 12.30.

Following matters shall be handled at the extraordinary general
meeting of shareholders:

1. The Board of Directors' proposal that the Extraordinary General
Meeting resolve to cancel the authorization of the Board of Directors
to take convertible loans and/or issue option rights and/or decide to
increase the share capital resolved by the Annual General Meeting on
March 23rd, 2005 and delete the notations from the Trade Register.

2. The Board of Directors' proposal that the Extraordinary General
Meeting resolve to authorize the Board of Directors to decide within
one year from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting to take
one or more convertible bond loans and/or issue option rights and/or
decide to increase the share capital in one or more lots by using new
issue so that when issuing convertible bonds or option rights or new
issues, the Board of Directors' unexercised, valid authorizations shall,
with regard to the total amount of increase and the total number of 
voting rights attached to the shares to be issued, correspond together
to no more than one-fifth of the registered share capital and the 
aggregate number of voting rights attached to the shares at the date
of the resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders concerning
the authorization and the decision of the Board of Directors to 
increase the share capital. Pursuant to the authorization the company's
share capital may be increased by a maximum of EUR 454,802.25.

The authorization shall include the right to deviate from the share-
holders' pre-emptive rights to subscribe for new shares according to
Chapter 4 Section 2 of the Companies Act and the right to decide on
the subscription prices, the parties entitled to subscribe for the
shares, the terms and conditions applicable to the subscription as 
well as the terms and conditions of the convertible bond loans and 
option rights. Deviation from the shareholders' pre-emptive rights is
subject to a weighty financial reason, such as financing of a company
acquisition, other arrangement in connection with the development or 
the company's business or equity and/or an incentive scheme to the 
personnel. In connection with the increase of the share capital by 
way of a new share issue the Board of Directors is entitled to decide
that the shares can be subscribed against contribution in kind or 
otherwise under special terms and conditions. The Board of Directors
may not decide in favor of a member of the inner circle of the company.

The authorization is effective for a period of one year from the 
resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting, i.e. from 
September 21st, 2005 to September 21st, 2006.

3. The Board of Directors' proposal that the Extraordinary General
Meeting resolve to amend paragraph 10 § of the Articles of Association
as follows:

"10 § Shareholders' Meeting"

The shareholders' meeting shall be held at the company's domicile or
in Lahti, in Vantaa or in Helsinki as decided by the Board of Directors
of the Company.

4. Supplementing the composition of the Board of Directors

The Shareholders representing more than 40 per cent of the shares and
voting rights in the company have proposed that the Extraordinary 
General Meeting elect Mr. Pertti Nupponen, Doctor of Economic Sciences,
Master of Science in Engineering as a new member of the Board of 
Directors to replace the late member of the Board of Directors, 
Mr. Tapani Tuori.


Photocopies of the above mentioned proposals of the Board of Directors 
including appendices thereto will be available for shareholders' disposal
from September 14th, 2005, 9 a.m. onwards at the company's head office at
Terveystie 18, FIN-15860 Hollola. Photocopies of the above mentioned 
documents will be sent to the shareholders on their request.

Eligibility to attend the meeting

To be eligible to attend the meeting, shareholders should be registered
as at September 9th, 2005 in the company's register of shareholders kept
by the Finnish Central Securities Depositary (APK).

Shareholder wishing to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting should
notify the company or his/her intention to do so by September 14th, 2005
at 4 p.m. at the latest either by a written notification to the address: 
Etteplan Oyj, Terveystie 18, FIN-15860 Hollola or by telephone to the
number: +358 3 872 9069 or by email to the address:

Written notifications to attend the meeting must be received before the
deadline above. Any proxy forms, identified and dated, should be delivered
to the company to be inspected to the address mentioned above before the
deadline to notify the attending of the meeting.

Hollola, 30 August 2005

Etteplan Oyj

Board of Directors

For additional information, contact:
CEO Heikki Hornborg, tel. +358 400 873 063

DISTRIBUTION: Helsinki Exchanges
