European Directories to list and repurchase bonds

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Listing of the bonds

The EUR 160m senior secured callable floating rate bonds 2012/2008 issued by European Directories BondCo S.C.A. (ISIN SE0005505831) (the “Bonds”) will be listed and admitted to trading on the corporate bond list on Nasdaq Stockholm on 5 December 2014.

Bond repurchase

European Directories Group has in November 2014 purchased an approximate aggregate amount of EUR 20.6m of the Bonds. European Directories Group intends to keep the Bonds on its balance sheet and has no intention of cancelling them. European Directories Group does not foresee any additional Bond repurchases in the short term.

Germon Knoop

Group CFO

Tel  : +31 20 487 36 88

European Directories Group is an online partner for SMEs offering local search and lead generation with a scalable business model. The European Directories Group operates through three main brands: Fonecta in Finland, Herold in Austria and DTG in the Netherlands. More information about the European Directories Group, including press releases and financial reports, can be found at