Europolitan Vodafone appeals the decision of PTS

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Europolitan Vodafone to appeal against the decision of the Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency Europolitan Vodafone is today lodging an appeal against the Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency's (PTS) decision to classify Europolitan Vodafone as a mobile operator with "significant market power" - so-called SMP status - in the mobile and interconnect traffic markets. Europolitan Vodafone is demanding that the decision be reversed. "If PTS is to give SMP status to all mobile companies on principle and use authority decisions to set all interconnect traffic fees, this will in effect lead to a re-regulation of the Swedish telecoms market. A regulated market generally means inferior services and higher prices compared with a free market. And it also puts the brakes on the willingness of companies to invest," says Jon Risfelt, President and CEO of Europolitan Vodafone. PTS decided in February that Europolitan Vodafone qualified for SMP status. This decision was based on its view that Europolitan Vodafone has significant power in the Swedish mobile and interconnect traffic markets. According to EU regulations and the Swedish Telecommunications Act, a company may be regarded as having significant power when its market share exceeds 25 per cent. "According to PTS, Europolitan Vodafone's share of the interconnect market is just over 13 per cent. No other European country has deviated so radically from the 25 per cent rule and it is hardly likely that the legislation was intended to make this possible. PTS has made the wrong decision and it will of course have a negative impact on Europolitan Vodafone. It will also be detrimental to the dynamic development of the Swedish telecoms market," says Jon Risfelt in his comments. In Europolitan Vodafone's opinion, PTS's interpretation of the Swedish Telecommunications Act conflicts with EC law. PTS is confusing current legislation with regulations that have not yet come into force. Among other things, it has based its assessments on competition legislation, whereas SMP assessments should only be based on telecoms legislation, a point that is clearly specified in the relevant EC directives. For more information, please contact: Johan Holmgren, Director of Public Relations. Tel.: +46 708 33 14 00, e-mail: Europolitan Vodafone is a mobile operator with a license to build 3G mobile telecoms networks. Our strength lies in our focus on developing international services, service and quality. Europolitan Vodafone employs some 1,500 people and the parent company Europolitan Holdings AB is listed on the Attract 40 list of the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The company's majority owner is Vodafone of the UK, with 71 per cent of Europolitan Holdings AB. Private shareholders, investment companies and pension funds own the remaining 29 per cent. Vodafone is represented on 5 continents and has more than 200 million mobile telecoms users. In April 2002 Europolitan Vodafone will change brand to Vodafone. and ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: