Energy Savings Are Within Reach For Michigan Businesses

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JACKSON, MICHIGAN – March 12, 2012 – March 13th, 2012 will mark the launch of an energy efficiency initiative lead by Michigan based company, Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. as they co-host a breakfast event at their headquarters with the Jackson Chamber of Commerce. EverLast® Lighting is a subsidiary of Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. and is amongst their lighting solutions for roadway, parking structure, facility and area lighting applications and have done installations in various areas of the country. EverLast®’s state wide initiative will increase awareness surrounding energy savings; rebate awareness, economic growth, and Michigan made products.

This year Full Spectrum Solutions is going to be making a presence in its home state of Michigan and partnering with several other Michigan based companies and organizations bringing energy efficient solutions to the forefront. Bill Rayl, the executive director of JAMA has committed to co-host a networking event. Other organizations that participating in their efforts are the Michigan Manufacturers Association, Jackson Chamber of Commerce, West Michigan Lighting, and the Michigan Municipal Electric Association.

Consumers Energy has excellent rebate programs in place for the energy efficient solutions, such as the EverLast® fixtures. Their rebate policy and application is easily found on their website. Consumers Energy is prepared to offer aggressive, prescriptive rebates for commercial and industrial applications up to $180 per fixture. Teri Van Sumeren, manager of energy efficiency for Consumers Energy, and Brandon Marken, EverLast®’s Commercial Director of Sales, are scheduled to speak at the breakfast event tomorrow morning at Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. headquarters.

“Manufacturing in the United States is important in itself. It should be even a higher priority for companies in Michigan to be working together,” said Cody Sharp, Commercial Sales Representative of EverLast® Lighting. “Many businesses, municipalities and universities have already taken advantage of our energy efficient lighting and rebate opportunities; Detroit’s Cobo Hall Convention Center, the City of Lansing, U of M’s Crisler Center, and Allegiance Health in Jackson are just a few of many. It is important for other companies in Michigan to recognize the benefits of energy efficiency, and more so that we are here to help them.”

Several Michigan organizations have already installed EverLast® fixtures at facilities such as Warren Woods Schools, Chelsea Public Schools, Greenville Public Schools, Saginaw Valley State University, Irwin Seating Company, Planet Fitness, Detroit Water & Sewage, Crest Industries, MTU Detroit Diesel, Motor City Stamping, and MDOT I-94 highway.


About EverLast Lighting:

EverLast Lighting is a subsidiary of Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. and has quickly grown into the leading manufacturer of energy-efficient lighting solutions for roadway, parking structure, facility and area lighting applications. For additional product information, visit, call 888-383-7578 or send an email to

For press inquiries, contact Kyle Leighton at 517-783-3800 ext. 231 or email at

If you would like to support EverLast®, please follow EverLast® on Twitter or visit them on Facebook.






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