New Induction Lighting Provides Major Safety Enhancements at The Universal Technical Institute

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JACKSON, MICHIGAN – February 29, 2012 – The Universal Technical Institute, Inc. offers specialized technical education programs under the banner of several well-known brands, including Universal Technical Institute (UTI), Motorcycle Mechanics Institute and Marine Mechanics Institute (MMI) and NASCAR Technical Institute (NTI)[1]. The Universal Technical Institute of Exton, Pennsylvania installed induction lighting in an effort to enhance their safety and security measures, and decrease their energy costs.

“The solution has demonstrated tremendous success particularly, in dealing with site safety and security. It was noted by the manager of site security that their HD cameras are able to pick up details which they never we able to see before,” said Ryan Miller, Representative for Atlantech, Inc. “Additionally, by installing all 115 of the Shoe Box fixtures UTI anticipates a savings at least $15,000 annually while its actual operational history is certain to increase that projection.”

Through a concerted effort the Universal Technical Institute and Atlantech, Inc. decided to move forward with EverLast® and outfit UTI’s entire parking lot within its corporate business park with the Shoe Box fixtures. The EverLast® U.S. Made 100 watt Shoe Box fixtures replaced one hundred fifteen of the 200 watt High Pressure Sodium fixtures previously installed.

“This install was particularly unique as there were a host of challenges. Limitations included light pole heights, light pole separations, and electrical circuit power anomalies. In addition, there were tight illumination requirements and review by Local Township,” commented Miller. “The EverLast® U.S. Made Shoe Box was one of the only fixtures that fit these sorts of demanding requirements, making it the preferred solution of choice.”

The EverLast® U.S. Made Shoe Box fixtures are becoming increasingly more popular in public areas for their energy-efficient and maintenance-free features, which translate to instant cost-savings. The fixtures incorporate step-dimming and on/off sensor controls for increased pedestrian safety with unmatched energy savings. A ballast option dims the fixture to 50 percent power on vacancy with automatic on to high level upon occupancy for significant savings and enhanced security.


About EverLast® Lighting: EverLast® Lighting is a subsidiary of Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. and has quickly grown into the leading manufacturer of energy-efficient lighting solutions for roadway, parking structure, facility and area lighting applications. For additional product information, visit, call 888-383-7578 or send an email to

For press inquiries, contact Kyle Leighton at 517-783-3800 ext.231 or email at

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