Quarterly report Jul - Sept 2020 Everysport Media Group AB (publ.)
Clear improvements despite impact of the pandemic
This is a translated version of the Swedish original, in case of deviations is the Swedish version considered to be the one to apply.
This information is such information that Everysport Media Group AB (publ.) Is required to publish in accordance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was provided, through the agency of the above contact person, for publication on October 29th, 2020
Summary of the third quarter 2020
- Net sales: 20,0 mkr (21,0 mkr)
- EBITDA: 2,1 mkr (3,2 mkr)
- Profit after tax: 0,5 mkr (2,2 mkr)
- Earnings per share: 0,10 kr (0,49 kr)
- Cashflow from operating activities: −3,2 mkr (4,6 mkr)
Summary January - September 2020
- Net sales: 58,6 mkr (67,6 mkr)
- EBITDA: 2,1 mkr (8,0 mkr)
- Profit after tax: −2,1 mkr (5,2 mkr)
- Earnings per share: −0,47 kr (1,15 kr)
- Cashflow from operating activities: 5,0 mkr (1,0 mkr)
CEO, Hannes Andersson, comments:
Covid-19 continues to have a profound effect on our society in general and on the sports world in particular. Despite the pandemic, we saw clear improvements for ESMG during the third quarter of 2020, compared with the second quarter. Sports events have again begun to be arranged, although with a limited audience, and interest in the consumption of sports media and gaming information has been rising. Our visitors continue to show willingness to pay for our products and our B2C segment is thus growing steadily. In the third quarter, sales in this segment was higher than ever and accounted for 31% of ESMG’s total sales. Despite the pandemic, the B2C segment grew by 9% compared to the same period last year, but an important measure is that revenues in the segment grew by 23% in the third quarter compared with the second quarter this year.During the third quarter, the group achieved a total net sales of SEK 20.0 million (SEK 21.0 million) and the EBITDA result was positive and amounted to SEK 2.1 million (SEK 3.2 million). After a stressful second quarter, hit hard by Covid-19, an important focus has been to ensure that the group operates with a positive EBITDA result. It is therefore with pleasure that we can see that we have achieved this goal despite the fact that the company did not receive state aid during the third quarter. This, in combination with the growth in the B2C segment and the group's good financial position, creates good conditions for future growth and increased future shareholder value.
Eliteprospects.com continues to stand out and deliver record numbers. During the NHL Draft, just after the end of the quarter, a new visitor record was reached, with 1.5 million unique visitors in one week. The Premium subscription product, which is aimed at consumers, has also reached new record levels where the number of paying subscribers at the end of the quarter amounted to over 7,500. At the beginning of the year, the figure was just over 4,000. In September, a record for net growth in the number of subscribers in a month was also achieved, while the churn level dropped to 7% (compared to 8-10% during the previous year).
Revenues in ESMG’s B2B segment has been strongly affected by Covid-19, but during the third quarter we saw a gradual increase in demand. The B2B segment grew by 7% compared to the second quarter, where improvements in sales from digital advertising were mainly seen from mid-August onwards. Here, we are positively affected by both a turning point in the economy and an increased demand for marketing in the context of sports, when major sporting events are arranged again.
Forward-looking statement
The world continues to be severely affected by the pandemic and when our business can fully return to normal is difficult to predict. New restrictions on sporting events would of course hit us hard, so we look with humility on the improvements that are now being experienced and continue our growth journey with a high level of responsibility.
We will continue to invest in existing and new products and strengthen our positions both in Sweden and internationally. Our increased focus on consumer products continues and we also expect continued growth in the B2C segment during the fourth quarter. For the group, our assessment is that both sales and EBITDA levels in the fourth quarter will increase in comparison with the third quarter.
Significant events during and after the end of the period
The 19th of August the company communicated a disclosure notice saying that the Chairman of the Board Paul Fischbein, through transactions at Spotlight Stock Market, had increased his shareholding to 5,1% of the shares and votes in the company.
The 24th of September padeldirekt.se was launched. Padeldirekt.se is a new site for editorial coverage of the fast growing sport of padel. Padeldirekt.se is developed on the same technical plattform as fotbolldirekt.se, hockeysverige.se and innebandymagazinet.se and will within shortly be a part of the premium content offer.
After the end of the period has the Chairman of the Board convened the Nomination Committee to draft proposals for the Company’s Annual General Meeting 2021. The Nomination Committee consist of Paul Fischbein, as Chairman of the Board of Everysport Media Group (publ.), Johan Ejermark and Michael Hansen as representatives of the two largest ownership groups / shareholders as voting members have the largest shareholding in Everysport Media Group AB (publ.)
Net Sales, earnings and financial position during the period
Net Sales
Net sales for the third quarter amounted to SEK 20 million (SEK 21 million). A decrease of 4,9 % compared with the same quarter last year.
The outbreak of Covid-19 had a major impact on sales during the second quarter, hence most of the sporting events around the world were cancelled and many of the products of the company are depending on the carrying through of sporting events. During the latter part of the second quarter sporting events restarted again and in the third quarter most of the sporting events were back in action. The return of sporting events in the third quarter had a positive effect on sales compared to the second quarter.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had the strongest negative impact on sales in the B2B segment. In the B2B segment, it was primarily the advertising business that suffered as the demand for advertisement products decreased when corporate customers had to cut down on marketing campaigns. However, an overall return of the ad market, compared to the second quarter, have been noticed and even though it looks more promising it is not back at the same levels as before the Covid-19 outbreak.
Although sales for the Group as a whole have decreased compared to the same period last year, there has been an increase in the B2C segment of 9%. The increase in B2C revenue compared to the same period last year is the result of a long-term effort to find new revenue within subscription income, unit purchase income and other income linked directly to consumers. The transfer of revenue from the B2B to B2C segments is important from a long-term strategic perspective as they are more stable over time and have a better margin.
EBITDA for the third quarter amounted to SEK 2,1 million (SEK 3,2 million).
The decrease in EBITDA compared with the same quarter last year is directly linked to the impact Covid-19 had on sales within the B2B-segment during the third quarter. EBITDA during the same quarter last years was also positively affected by write-off of an earn-out debt amounting to SEK 0,4 million..
EBIT for the third quarter amounted to SEK 1,2 million (SEK 2,4 million).
EBIT during the third quarter of 2020 is affected by depreciation by SEK -0.9 million (SEK -0.7 million). The increase in depreciation is linked to the investments made during the previous year.
Capitalized work on own account during the quarter amounts to SEK 0,2 million (SEK 1,0 million).
Financial position
At the end of the period, Everysport Media Group AB (publ.) has equity of SEK 19,9 million (SEK 21,4 million) and an equity ratio of 33% (35%)
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period were SEK 7,7 million (SEK 2,7 million).
Cash flow during the second quarter was affected by timing in payments around the end of the period. The company had not seen any significant losses of account receivables during the pandemic.
In addition to cash and cash equivalents, Everysport Media Group has access to additional banking facilities that strengthen the financial position
Share and shareholders
As of the date on 30th of September, 2020, 4 542 496 shares were issued. All shares have equal rights to the company's profit and assets.
At the end of the quarter, Everysport Media Group AB had 801 (855) shareholders.
The average number of full time equivalents during the quarter was 66 (66).
Accounting principles
This interim report includes the Swedish parent company Everysport Media Group AB (publ), corporate ID 556739-8143, and its subsidiaries. The Group’s main operations are divided into Content and Media. Within Content the Group is a leasing provider of results data, game tips and sports tips. Within Media the Group owns and runs digital sites like, EliteProspects, Svenska Fans, Fotboll Direkt, HockeySverige, Travtjänsten and Sporttjänsten which acts as engines for the products offered within the Group.
The parent company is limited liability company registered in Stockholm, Sweden. The adress for the headquarters is Gamla Brogatan 11, 111 20 Stockholm.
The consolidated accounts for Everysport Media Group AB (ESMG) have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and RFR 1 Complementary Accounting Rules for Groups . This is the Groups first financial report in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) with transition date as 1st of January 2019. The Group has previously applied BFNAR 2012: 1 Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts (K3). The transition to IFRS has been made in accordance with IFRS 1 The first time IFRS is applied and described in more detail in the appendix Transition to IFRS. The Group's complete accounting principles are described in the Appendix Transition to IFRS, where full accounting principles and transition tables are found.The interim report regarding the parent company has been prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2 Accounting for Legal Entities issued by the Swedish Financial Reporting Board. The parent company has previously applied the Annual Accounts Act and BFNAR 2012: 1 Annual Report and Consolidated Accounts (K3) in the preparation of financial reports. As of these financial reports, the Parent Company, as a result of the Group's transition to IFRS, applies RFR 2 Accounting for legal entities. See separate paragraph for a description of the Parent Company's accounting principles.
This report has not been reviewed by auditors.
Further reporting dates
The Year end report 2020 will be published on the 18th of February 2021.
The financial reports for Everysport Media Group are published in the company’s website www.esmg.se
Stockholm 2020-10-29
Hannes Andersson
For further information, please contact:
Hannes Andersson
Phone: +467 07 36 56 25
E-mail: hannes.andersson@esmg.se
Everysport Media Group (publ.) (ESMG) is a Swedish publicly listed media group with roots in sports and gaming. Our strategy is based on two main components: Content and Media. Within Content, ESMG is a leading provider of performance data, betting tips and sports news. Some of our clients are gaming operators, sports associations and media organizations. Our media portfolio garners over 2 million interactive viewers across multiple platforms, sites, and networks within the industry.