Exel AGM 2009 - composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors

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EXEL OYJ STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 17 February 2009 at 9.00


Exel Oyj’s Nomination Committee (Tomas Billing, Esa Karppinen, Pertti Laine and Mikko Mursula) has notified the Company that it will propose the following to the Annual General Meeting 2009 for the new term that will continue until the end of the next Annual General Meeting of shareholders:

1. The number of members of the Board of Directors shall be confirmed to be five (5).

2. The Nomination Committee proposes that Peter Hofvenstam, Göran Jönsson, Vesa Kainu and Heikki Mairinoja be re-elected to the Board for 2009. The Board proposes that Reima Kerttula be elected as new member of the Board. Kari Haavisto has declined re-election to the Board.

The new proposed Board member Reima Kerttula (b. 1955) is the President and CEO of Tamfelt Corporation. He holds an M.Sc. degree in Engineering from Oulu University. From 2007 to 2008 he was Senior Vice President of Metso Paper Inc, Paper and Board Business Line, Paper and Board Machines and from 2006 to 2008 Managing Director of Metso Paper Inc, Rautpohja Paper and Board Machinery.

3. The Nomination Committee proposes that Peter Hofvenstam be re-elected as the Chairman of the Board.

4. The Nomination Committee proposes that the annual remunerations for the Board members shall be unchanged, i.e:

Chairman: Yearly remuneration of 32,000 EUR (32,000 EUR last term) and additionally 1,500 EUR (1,500 EUR last term) for attendance at Board and committee meetings and other similar Board assignments.

Board member: Yearly remuneration of EUR 14,000 (EUR 14,000 last term) and additionally 1,000 EUR (1,000 EUR last term) for attendance at Board and committee meetings and other similar Board assignments.

Travel expenses and other out-of-pocket expenses due to the Board work shall be compensated in accordance with the Company’s established practice and travel rules.

The proposal is supported by shareholders with more than 40% of the shares in Exel.

Vantaa, 17 February 2009


Vesa Korpimies, President and CEO, tel. +359 50 590 6754, or email vesa.korpimies@exel.net
Ilkka Silvanto, CFO and Administrative Director, tel. +358 50 598 9553, or email ilkka.silvanto@exel.fi

DASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.
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Exel is a technology company which designs, manufactures and markets composite profiles and tubes for industrial applications and sports equipment. Exel’s operations consist of two divisions: Exel Composites, the Industry Division of Exel, and Exel Sports Brands.

The personnel's expertise and high level of technology play a major role in Exel's operations. The core of the operations is based on own, internally developed composite technology, product range based on it and the domination of selected market segments with a strong quality and brand image. The Company's growth is based on permanent search of new applications and development in co-operation with customers. Exel concentrates on niche segments and on profitable growth. Exel’s share is listed in the Small Cap segment of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.