Report from ExpreS2ion Biotech Holding AB’s (publ) annual general meeting

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Today, May 24th, 2018, the annual general meeting of ExpreS2ion Biotech Holding AB (publ) was held. A summary of the decisions that were made follows below. All decisions were taken with required majority.

Profit and loss decision and discharge of liability decision
The AGM resolved to dispose of the Company's earnings according to the Board's proposal in the annual report. The AGM also decided that no dividend be paid for the fiscal year 2017. In addition, the AGM resolved to discharge the board members and the CEO from liability for the fiscal year 2017.

Determination of the number of board members, deputies, auditors and deputy auditors and determination of renumeration for the board and the auditors
The AGM resolved that the Board should consist of four ordinary members and no deputies, and that renumeration of SEK 75,000 will be paid to the Chairman and SEK 50,000 to the other members. Furthermore, the AGM resolved that one auditor and no deputy auditor should be appointed and that the renumeration for the auditor should be in accordance with the approved bill in accordance with the usual billing standards.

Election of Board and Auditor
The AGM resolved that Jakob Knudsen, Gitte Pedersen, Martin Roland Jensen and Allan Rosetzsky would be re-elected as board members. For the Chairmanship, Martin Roland Jensen was re-elected. Furthermore, the AGM resolved that the Company's auditor, MAZARS SET Revisionsbyrå AB, be re-elected to the end of the AGM held next fiscal year.

Decision authorising the Board to decide on issues
The AGM resolved to authorise the Board to decide, on one or more occasions, with or without waiving the shareholders' preferential right, until the next AGM, to issue shares and/or subscription warrants corresponding to an increase in the share capital of no more than ten (10) percent based on the total share capital of the Company at the time of the AGM in 2018. 

The issues shall be at a market-based subscription price, subject to market-based emission discounts where applicable, and payment, in addition to cash payment, may be by property or by way of set-off, or other with terms.

New shares issues pursuant to the authorisation shall be made in order to provide the Company with working capital and/or capital for the development of the Company's operations. If the Board decides on a new share issue with a deviation from shareholders' preferential rights, the reason should be to provide the Company with working capital, capital for development of the Company's projects and/or new owners of strategic importance to the Company and/or acquisition of other companies or businesses.

The AGM resolved to authorise the Board, or the one appointed by the Board, to make the minor adjustments that are necessary when registering the decisions.

Helsingborg, May 2018

ExpreS2ion Biotech Holding AB (publ)


Certified Adviser 

Sedermera Fondkommission is ExpreS2ion Biotech Holding AB’s Certified Adviser. 

For further information about ExpreS2ion Biotech Holding AB, please contact:

Dr. Steen Klysner, CEO of ExpreS2ion
Phone: +45 2062 9908

Note: Non-certified translation of the Swedish original, which prevails.

About ExpreS2ion
ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies ApS is a fully owned Danish subsidiary of ExpreS2ion Biotech Holding AB with company register number 559033-3729. The subsidiary has developed a unique proprietary platform technology, ExpreS2, that can be used for fast and efficient preclinical and clinical development as well as robust production of complex proteins for new vaccines and diagnostics. Since the Company was founded in 2010, it has produced more than 250 proteins and 35 virus-like particles (VLPs) in collaboration with leading research institutions and companies, demonstrating superior efficiency and success rates. In addition, ExpreS2ion develops novel VLP based vaccines through the joint venture AdaptVac ApS which was founded in 2017.
