Fabege issues green five year bond via SFF
Fabege has raised SEK 150m through a green bond issue via SFF (Svensk FastighetsFinansiering AB)
The bond expires on February 20, 2022, and has a spread of 3 months Stibor plus 135 bps. The bond will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Sustainable Bond List. Nordea has acted as Lead Manager in the transaction. Fabege has outstanding bonds totaling SEK 2,698m via SFF, of which 2,006m relates to Green bonds.
SFF is co-owned by Catena AB, Diös Fastigheter AB, Fabege AB, Platzer Fastigheter Holding AB and Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB. Additional information about SFF and the company´s Green framework can be found on the website www.svenskfastighetsfinansiering.se
- We are pleased that the demand for Green bonds at longer maturities increases, says Åsa Lind, Head of Treasury at Fabege.
Fabege AB (publ)
More informatiuon is available from:
Åsa Bergström, Vice President and CFO, phone +46(0)8 555 148 29, +46(0)70 666 13 80
Åsa Lind, Head of Treasury, phone +46(0)8 555 148 08, +46(0)733 87 18 08
Fabege AB (publ) is one of Sweden’s leading property companies focusing mainly on letting and managing office premises and property development. Fabege owns properties with a carrying amount of SEK 33.6bn. The portfolio is concentrated in the Stockholm region and has an annualised rental value of SEK 2.4bn and a lettable area of 1.1m sqm. Fabege’s shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, Large Cap segment.