Factum Electronics licenses its DAB/DMB middleware to Analog Devices
Middleware modules target next-generation feature-rich mobile platforms.
Factum Electronics AB, a leading supplier of systems for digital multimedia broadcasting, today announced an agreement with Analog Devices, Inc., a leading semiconductor supplier providing high performance signal processing solutions. The agreement covers licensing of Factum’s middleware and co-operation on technology and marketing targeting handheld mobile devices.
“This is a breakthrough order for our portfolio of middleware modules and we are pleased to work together with a top-notch company like Analog Devices,” says Hans Runesten, Chairman, Factum Electronics AB and CEO, Effnet Holding AB.
Factum offers a complete range of middleware modules for data services, including FIC, DLS, SLS, EPG, TPEG and BWS. These middleware modules are built on Factum’s extensive experience as a head-end system manufacturer and serve as a bridge between the head-end system and the terminals. Factum’s middleware offers customers cost savings and gains in time to market.
“Factum provides well-tested middleware modules for our next-generation feature-rich mobile platforms. The co-operation with Factum ensures global inter-operability with existing services and faster time to market. We are pleased to benefit from Factum’s experience and are confident that our Blackfin platforms will deliver high-performance multimedia solutions to our OEM and ODM customers and ultimately to the consumers,” says Mike Haidar, Product Line Director, Digital Home, Analog Devices Inc.
“Based on our broad and long experience of head-end products I trust we have a unique position to develop, test, validate and support middleware products for chipset, terminal and receiver manufacturers”, says Kenneth Lundgren, Managing Director, Factum Electronics AB.
For further information, please contact:
Hans Runesten, Chairman, Factum Electronics AB and CEO, Effnet Holding AB,
+46 8 564 605 50, +46 70 280 26 26, hans.runesten@effnet.com
Kenneth Lundgren, Managing Director, Factum Electronics AB, +46 13 36 86 07, +46 703 69 00 29, kenneth.lundgren@factum.se
Mike Haidar, Product Line Director, Analog Devices, Inc., +1 781 461 3537, mike.haidar@analog.com