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  • "The Missing Piece: The Truth Behind The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa" Uncovers new information about the theft of the Mona Lisa

"The Missing Piece: The Truth Behind The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa" Uncovers new information about the theft of the Mona Lisa

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"The Missing Piece: The Truth Behind The Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa"
Uncovers new information about the Marquis de Valfierno.
Valfierno was credited with masterminding the theft of the Mona Lisa by many.
But Valfierno Did Not Exist

http://www.monalisamissing.com/The_Missing_Piece/WELCOME.html <http://www.monalisamissing.com/The_Missing_Piece/WELCOME.html>
New York, NY-- August 15, 2011-- Journalist Karl Decker claimed that in January 1914, a man named the Marques Eduardo de Valfierno told him how he had masterminded the theft of the Mona Lisa.  Eighteen years later, Decker published a story in The Saturday Evening Post.  Decker said that the theft was orchestrated as a scam to sell Mona Lisa forgeries to gullible American millionaires.  Vincenzo Peruggia was just a patsy hired by Valfierno to steal the original. Since then many have wondered if this story was true.
In making "The Missing Piece: The Truth About the Man Who Stole the Mona Lisa,"  Joe and Justine Medeiros and Senior Researcher Eileen White  spent months deconstructing Decker’s story, interviewing a number of experts on art theft, forgery and journalism of Decker’s day.  No one interviewed saw the story as the least bit credible.
So where did Valfierno come from?  Medeiros believes Karl Decker made him up.  

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