Hyde Park Art Center Presents Turkish Artist Ani Afshar: Woven Gardens and Shredded Shadows

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May 20 - September 2, 2012

Turkish artist Ani Afshar’s striking hand-woven tapestries and tulle veil constructions will be on view at the Hyde Park Art Center from May 20 until September 2, 2012.Guest curated by Frank Connett (artist and conservationist) in consultation with Richard Born (Smart Museum, Senior Curator), the solo show will span decades of textile work by the artist. Woven Gardens and Shredded Shadows will reveal a selection of acclaimed landscape tapestries Afshar produced in the 1990s and new artworks and installations created by Afshar since her return to weaving in 2007 that are being shown publically for the first time.

Afshar began her relationship with the Hyde Park Art Center as an art teacher in the school over 25 year ago. The Art Center first exhibited her work in 1987 as part of a three-person exhibition also organized by Richard Born who then described her tapestries as “simultaneous works of independent beauty intended both for use and appreciation at the same time.” This foundation is re-kindled and expanded in the upcoming exhibition. This monographic show will focus on stylistic consistencies and remarkable bead work  textile compositions from the 1990s to the present. Afshar will also debut a large wall relief installation made of found Turkish fabrics, tulle, beads, and wire that explore the disintegration of material over time, adding a temporal dimension to her work not present in her woven pieces.

Afshar’s multicultural upbringing  inspires her beaded and woven contemporary artworks. Born in Istanbul, educated in Switzerland, and based in Chicago since 1975, Afshar draws on Eastern and Western traditions to craft her one-of-a-kind pieces. Afshar uses a range of color and diverse materials to create her artwork, which ranges from jewelry design to tapestries and installations. The artist became known for making one-of-a-kind wire jewelry in the 1990s, sold through her Lincoln Park boutique AniAfshar. Celebrated both in this country and abroad, Afshar’s textile and jewelry designs reflect artistic traditions from across the globe. In 2009 Afshar closed the boutique to devote her time to her contemporary artwork. She currently teaches Jewelry: Beads and Strings and Wires at the Hyde Park Art Center.

“Ani Afshar: Woven Gardens and Shredded Shadows” will be on view from May 20 to September 2, 2012 at the Hyde Park Art Center, 5020 South Cornell Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60615; 773.324.5520 and www.hydeparkart.org. Exhibitions are always free and open to the public.

The  Hyde  Park  Art  Center  is  at  once  a  contemporary  art  exhibition  space,  learning  annex,  community  resource,  and  social  hub  for  the  art  curious  and  professional  artists   alike  carrying  out  its  mission  to stimulate  and  sustain  the  visual  arts  in  Chicago.  The  Art  Center  is  funded  in  part  by  the:  Alphawood  Foundation;;  Andy  Warhol   Foundation  for Visual  Arts;;  Chicago  Community  Trust;;  a  City  Arts  III  grant from Sarajean  Ruttenberg  Arts  Foundation;;  Field  Foundation  of  Illinois;;  Harper  Court  Arts  Council;;  Illinois  Arts Council,  a  state  agency;;  The  Irving  Harris  Foundation;;  Joyce   Foundation;;  Leo  S.  Guthman Fund;;  Lloyd  A.  Fry  Foundation;;  MacArthur  Fund  for  Arts  and  Culture  at  Prince;; National  Endowment  for  the  Arts;;  Polk  Bros.  Foundation;;   Searle  Funds  at  The  Chicago  Community  Trust;;  and  the generosity  of  its  members  and  people  like  you.  The  Hyde Park  Art  Center  does  not  discriminate  against  any   person  for  reason  of  race,  gender,  age,  place  of  national  origin,  handicap,  religious  conviction, marital  status,  veteran  status or  sexual  preference.

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