FAMM Welcomes Conservative Allies to Florida’s Sentencing Reform Fight

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TALLAHASSEE, FLA. – Greg Newburn, Florida project director of Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM), today welcomed the launch of the Right on Crime campaign in Florida.  Right on Crime is aimed at building support for criminal justice reform, including sentencing reform, among conservative policymakers. The campaign is sponsored by the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Newburn says, “Sentencing reform is not a conservative or liberal issue. Now more than ever, we need a united front to fix Florida’s costly justice system.  It’s become a crisis that we can only solve by working together. FAMM is excited to work with Right on Crime in Florida.”

Newburn continues, “I’m also encouraged by the spirit of bipartisanship that is strengthening in the legislature. Sentencing reform, which once seemed politically impossible, is finally gaining support from conservatives, liberals, business groups and policy groups across the ideological spectrum.”

Florida voters are with them, according to polling data released by Right on Crime.  The majority of the poll respondents (80 %) identified themselves as either conservative or moderate.  Nearly 85 % of participants agreed that individuals who are “tough on crime” also support innovative, cost-effective sanctions for nonviolent offenders that will reduce the likelihood of reoffending and save Florida taxpayers money.  Nearly 50 % indicated that they “strongly agreed.”

Newburn says, “This poll shows that common sense sentencing reform is not politically risky; instead, good criminal justice policy is also good politics.  Florida’s mandatory minimum drug laws require courts to impose ‘one size fits all’ sentences on drug offenders, regardless of their role in the offense, need for treatment, or prior criminal record. They provide no public safety benefit but cost Florida taxpayers dearly. It’s time to reform the laws, and conservatives concerned about public safety and Florida’s budget should lead the effort.”

For more information on the Right on Crime campaign, visit the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s website at www.rightoncrime.com

Families Against Mandatory Minimums is a national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization supporting fair and proportionate sentencing laws that allow judicial discretion while maintaining public safety. For more information on Florida FAMM, visit www.famm.org or contact media@famm.org
