VLP Biotech Inc. reports positive results from testing of a first universal influenza A vaccine

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As Tripep previously announced, the jointly owned company VLP Biotech Inc. has initiated development of a universal influenza A vaccine. VLP Biotech Inc. is now happy to report that the first universal influenza A vaccine candidate protects mice from a lethal challenge with mouse adapted influenza A virus. The vaccine is based on the influenza M2 protein in combination with the proprietary VLP vaccine platform. The key advantage of using the M2 protein is that it remains stable and unchanged among different influenza A strains. Thus, antibodies against the influenza M2 protein are expected to protect against the recurring epidemics caused by new and different variants of human influenza A virus. These results are the first proof-of-concept in an infectious animal model for the VLP vaccine platform in generating protective antibodies against an otherwise non-immunogenic antigen. ”We are very excited about these results as this is the first real step towards a functional universal influenza A vaccine. Since the need and the market for a universal influenza A vaccine is huge this will be the first product coming from VLP Biotech Inc.”, says Tripep’s CEO Jan Nilsson. For more information, please contact: Jan Nilsson, CEO, Tripep AB Tel: +46 8 449 84 80, mobile phone: +46 70 466 31 63 E-mail: jan.nilsson@tripep.se Rolf Nordström, Chairman, Tripep AB Tel: +44 20 7839 8686, mobile phone: +44 7776 137 400 E-mail: rolf.l.nordstrom@btinternet.com Anders Vahlne, Head of Research, Tripep AB Tel: +46 8 5858 1313, mobile phone: +46 709 28 05 28 E-mail: anders.vahlne@labmed.ki.se