BFF and DGPh support the 2015 Felix Schoeller Photo Award

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Osnabrück, 07 August 2014

The 2015 Felix Schoeller Photo Award has received another feather in its cap. With immediate effect, Germany’s two most prestigious photographers’ organisations – the German Association of Freelance Photographers (BFF) and the German Photographic Association (DGPh) – are supporting the international competition for professional photographers, which the Felix Schoeller Group is now launching for the second time.

“We see this support as an endorsement of our idea to create this Award as a way of promoting professional photography in Germany and internationally and giving it a new platform,” said Dr Friederike Texter, the Felix Schoeller Group’s Vice President for Corporate Communication. “At the same time, it is an incentive for us to focus even more tightly on high-quality professional photography. Of course, we hope that many BFF and DGPh members will send in entries to give us and the jury the opportunity to appreciate their photographic talent.”

BFF has been synonymous with top-quality professional photography in Germany for 45 years and ranks as one of the most influential photographers' associations in Europe. The German Photographic Association (DGPh) is an organisation primarily committed to promoting the cultural and theoretical aspects of photography and other visual media. Its 1000-strong membership consists of highly respected personalities on the German and international photography scene. Both organisations will ensure that information about the Felix Schoeller Photo Award reaches their members and will actively promote this international competition for professional photographers.

The Felix Schoeller Photo Award is one of the richest photography competitions in the German-speaking world. It honours work that demonstrates a strong conceptual basis and the highest standards of image quality. As a manufacturer of specialty papers for high-quality photo reproductions, the company supports photographers who share its passion for uncompromisingly good photos. The prize is awarded every two years. 2013’s premiere was a resounding success, attracting 1,300 entries.

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