The City of Peace Osnabrück and the Felix Schoeller Group have jointly initiated the “German Peace Prize for Photography”

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In 2019, the City of Peace Osnabrück, its Museum Quarter and the locally based Felix Schoeller Group will be awarding the first “German Peace Prize for Photography”. This prize honors the photographers who make the concept of peace visible and tangible in their work. As a special category of the Felix Schoeller Photo Award competition, the “German Peace Prize for Photography” now invites entries from professional photographers around the globe. The winning entry and the work of the nominees for the “German Peace Prize for Photography” will be on view to the general public from October 20, 2019, in a special, separate exhibition in Osnabrück’s Museum Quarter. The winner will be honored with a cash prize of 10,000 euros.

Peace is not merely the absence of war...

The “German Peace Prize for Photography” addresses professional photographers from around the world. The concept of peace may, however, be very broadly interpreted: It may, for example, express peace between peoples, peaceful coexistence in a nation or a family, or the inner peace of individuals. What matters, is that peace is given a face.

“The new ‘German Peace Prize for Photography’ offers photographers and the public an excellent opportunity to critically reflect on and consider a topic that is inextricably entwined with the history of Osnabrück, the ‘City of Peace’. The prize and its works create a space in which discussions and debate on the subject of peace are taken to another, creative, level”, is how Wolfgang Griesert, the Lord Mayor of the City of Osnabrück, explains the intention of the project.

In the words of Hans-Christoph Gallenkamp, CEO of the Felix Schoeller Group, “Peace is an immensely important issue in today’s global affairs. For me, peace is, however, a broadly interpretable concept that I hope will be expressed in its numerous facets in the works submitted by entrants to the ‘German Peace Prize for Photography’. To name but a few instances, the concept of peace also embraces the coexistence of different ethnic groups or several generations, successful integration and inclusion projects, or life in harmony with nature.”

The “German Peace Prize for Photography” Jury.

An independent jury of six has been assembled for judging the entries to the “German Peace Prize for Photography” category and will determine a shortlist, a list of nominees and the winner of the prize. The chairman of the jury will be Michael Dannenmann, the internationally acclaimed portrait photographer from Düsseldorf. After the final deadline for entries, the jury will meet to judge only the photographs and the concepts. As they will not know either the names or the origins of the entrants, their impartiality will be guaranteed. The formal award ceremony will take place together with the presentation of the Felix Schoeller Photo Award in Osnabrück.

Submission Period: January 1 to May 31, 2019.

Entries for the “German Peace Prize for Photography” category may be uploaded to the websites or from January to May 2019. The jury will judge the entries between July and August 2019. The formal award ceremony will take place in the Museum Quarter in Osnabrück on October 19, 2019.

The Felix Schoeller Photo Award

Established in 2013, the international Felix Schoeller Photo Award is one of the highest prize-value photographic competitions in the German-language regions. The biennial competition invites entries exclusively from professional photographers and young talents who are learning the profession.

In 2019, the competition will be inviting entries in the following five themed categories and one special category: Portrait, Landscape/Nature, Fashion, Photojournalism/Editorial and Free Choice/Conceptual Photography. Photographers learning the profession may also submit entries to the special category “Best Work by an Emerging Photographer”.

In 2017, around 2,400 entries were received from photographers in 92 countries. With a figure of 72%, the proportion of international entrants was significantly higher than in the two previous competitions.

Profile of the Felix Schoeller Group, Osnabrück

Founded in 1895, the Felix Schoeller Group is a family business with worldwide operations producing specialty papers. With around 2,315 employees, the renowned Osnabrück-based company produced and marketed almost 323,000 tonnes of specialty papers in 2017 and posted a total turnover of 747 million euros. The Felix Schoeller Group develops, produces and markets specialty papers for photographic applications, digital printing systems, the packaging market, self-adhesive applications, and for the furniture, wood-based products and wallpaper industry.

In addition to its Osnabrück main site and headquarters, the Felix Schoeller Group has four other production facilities in Germany - in Weissenborn and Penig in Saxony, in Titisee-Neustadt (Baden-Württemberg) and in Günzach (Bavaria). It also has production facilities in the USA and Canada and is involved in joint ventures in the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. It has sales offices in Los Angeles, Sao Paulo, Tokyo, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, Melbourne, Moscow, and Prague.

The Felix Schoeller Group exemplifies uncompromising quality, unique flexibility and true partnership. The result: Best Performing Papers. Worldwide. Since July 2013, the Felix Schoeller Group has been the official premium paper partner of the German Olympic team. 

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