Fennovoima's nuclear power plant to northern Finland

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From now on Fennovoima has two alternative locations for its nuclear power plant: Pyhäjoki and Simo in Northern Finland. On 11 December 2009, Fennovoima has submitted to the Ministry of Employment and the Economy a revision letter in which the company declares that Ruotsinpyhtää is no longer among the alternative locations for the nuclear power plant. For over two years, Fennovoima has made extensive studies in the alternative sites related to issues concerning safety, environmental and social impacts as well as impacts related to the construction and operation of the plant. On the basis of the assessments Fennovoima has gradually cut down the number of its alternative sites. In the very beginning of the project, there were some 40 alternative locations in various parts of Finland. Now there are two municipalities left, both located in the north. The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK) gave its statement concerning Fennovoima's Decision-in-Principle application in October. The statement confirms that the two northern sites are suitable for locating a nuclear power plant. A new nuclear power location decentralizes electricity production geographically and as a result, Finland's security of supply strengthens. The National Emergency Supply Agency of Finland has confirmed this in its statement regarding Fennovoima's project. Pyhäjoki and Simo and the municipalities around them support Fennovoima's project and want the nuclear power plant to be located in their area. Ruotsinpyhtää will become a part of the new Loviisa town starting from 2010 and in new Loviisa, the support for opening a new nuclear power plant site in the town's area is not strong enough. In order to implement the project successfully, Fennovoima needs the support of the city council and the whole community for the next years and decades. The statements of Ruotsinpyhtää municipality and Loviisa city which support Fennovoima's and Fortum's project have been appealed to the Helsinki Administrative Court and the decision of the court is expected to arrive in the near future. If the decision of the court, in turn, is appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court, the decision-making of the Government regarding the nuclear power plant applications will be delayed. Fennovoima wants to make an effort to support the original decision making schedule of the Government. In Pyhäjoki and Simo, the land use planning and technical studies continue. The final decision of the location of the plant is made by Fennovoima on the basis of the Decision-in-Principle of the Government. The Government is expected to make the decision of who will get the licence or licences in the first part of the year 2010, and the Parliament is expected to process the decision later in 2010. Further information: CEO Tapio Saarenpää, tel. +358 (0)20 757 9202 VP, Communications Maira Kettunen tel. +358 (0)20 757 9213 www.fennovoima.fi