Annual General Meeting of Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) 2012

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The Annual General Meeting of Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) held on May 31, 2012 adopted the financial statements submitted for 2011.

The Annual General Meeting resolved that no dividend be paid.

Discharge from liability
The Meeting discharged the members of the Board and the President from personal liability for the 2011 fiscal year.

Election of Board members and Chairman of the Board
Existing Board members Christer Bergman, Urban Fagerstedt, Anders Hultqvist, Sigrun Hjelmqvist were re-elected, as was Mats Svensson, following which Mats Svensson was reelected Chairman of the Board. Board members are presented on the company’s website

Of the Board members, Urban Fagerstedt and Mats Svensson are not independent in relation to the company’s owners.

Board fees
The Meeting resolved to pay fees to the Board of Directors in the following amounts: SEK 170,000 for the Chairman of the Board and SEK 100,000 for each of the other Board members who are not employees of the company. It was resolved that no additional fees be paid for committee work. Fees to auditors will be paid according to agreement following approved invoices.

Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives and guidelines for appointing the Nomination Committee
The Meeting resolved to adopt the Board’s motion regarding guidelines for remuneration of senior executives and the Nomination Committee’s proposal regarding the appointment of the Nomination Committee. These motions are available in their entirety on the company’s website,

Authorization pertaining to issue of new shares
A resolution was passed in accordance with the Board’s motion: The Board was authorized to decide, during the period up to the next Annual General Meeting, to issue a total of up to 9,000,000 Class B shares without applying the shareholders’ preferential rights. The Board was also authorized to decide, during the period up to the next Annual General Meeting, to issue a total of up to 9,000,000 Class B shares, with preferential rights for shareholders.

About Fingerprint Cards AB (publ)
Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) markets, develops and produces biometric components and technologies that through the analysis and matching of an individual’s unique fingerprint verify the person’s identity. The technology consists of biometric sensors, processors, algorithms and modules that can be used separately or in combination with each other. The competitive advantages offered by the FPC’s technology include unique image quality, extreme robustness, low power consumption and complete biometric systems. With these advantages and the ability to achieve extremely low manufacturing costs, the technology can be implemented in volume products such as smart cards and mobile phones, where extremely rigorous demands are placed on such characteristics. The company’s technology can also be used in IT and Internet security, access control, etc.

For further information, contact:
Johan Carlström, CEO of Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), +46 (0)31-60 78 20,
Fingerprint Cards AB (publ), Box 2412, SE-403 16 GOTHENBURG,

Fingerprint Cards AB (FPC) is listed on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm (FING B) and has its head office in Gothenburg.
Fingerprint Cards AB (publ) discloses this information pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act (2007:528) and the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was issued for publication on June 1, 2012, at 8:00 a.m.

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