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Fiskars Corporation  Stock Exchange Release May 11, 2006 at 8.30 am


Fiskars net sales increased; profitability at the same level as last year

-	Net sales grew by 14% and was EUR 149.5 million (131.5)
-	Operating profit of EUR 16.3 million (15.1) includes Fiskars' 
        income from associate Wärtsilä
-	Fiskars Brands production restructuring project continues as planned


EUR million              Q1 2006        Q1 2005        2005
Net sales                149.5          131.5          551.1
Income from              8.8            6.2            28.6
associate Wärtsilä
Operating profit         16.3           15.1           26.6
Operating profit, %      10.9%          11.5%          4.8%
Profit before taxes      14.6           13.0           69.4
Earnings per share, EUR  0.16           0.13           0.80
Net cash from            13.2           8.2            62.7
operating activities


Fiskars net sales for the first quarter increased by 14% from last year to 
EUR 149.5 million (131.5). Around a third of the growth was due to 
exchange rate changes. The operating profit was EUR 16.3 million (15.1). 
This number incorporates the income from the associate Wärtsilä, which 
was EUR 8.8 million (6.2).
The restructuring of production capacity and streamlining of operations at 
Fiskars Brands, Inc. continues according to plan. EUR 0.6 million in costs 
associated with the project were booked for the first quarter, as the costs 
associated with redundancies in the US, announced at the beginning of May, 
will be booked in the second quarter.

Net financial items were EUR 1.7 million (2.1) and the profit before taxes 
was EUR 14.6 million (13.0). The profit for the period improved from last 
year, totaling EUR 12.5 million (10.4).
Investments during the period were EUR 3.1 million (12.3). No acquisitions 
were made in the first quarter.


Fiskars Brands net sales increased to EUR 138.5 million (121.1). Sales 
increased in all markets, and most of all in Europe. The operating profit, 
which includes EUR 0.6 million restructuring costs, was EUR 8.0 million or 
5.8% (8.5 and 7.0%, respectively).

In the US market, sales of School, Office and Craft products as well as 
Outdoor Recreation products and Consumer Electronics took an upward 
turn, whereas sales of floor mats and watering products in the Garden and 
Outdoor Living product category decreased from the previous year. In 
Europe, sales of gardening products grew significantly. Compared to the 
past few years, the resources spent in sales and marketing were increased 
particularly in the United States. Due to that spending and increased 
competition, the operating profit was on last year's levels despite the 
improved sales.
 The restructuring program, begun in the fall of 2005 to streamline the 
production structure and increase sourcing of labour-intensive products, has 
continued throughout the period. The total costs of the program are expected 
to stay within the projected EUR 50 million, of which some EUR 10 million 
will be booked during the current financial year. Development of the supply 
chain has progressed as planned.
Capital expenditure during the first quarter is mostly related to investments 
in tools necessary to manufacture new products and product development. 
The investments totaled EUR 2.2 million (10.4).


Net sales for Inha Works increased by 21% from the previous year and 
totaled EUR 10.3 million (8.6). The operating profit was EUR 1.1 million 
(1.0). The boat market continued to grow in Buster's market areas and the 
plant is working at full capacity. The company is responding to the increase 
in demand by using more contract manufacturing. The rise in the cost of raw 
materials, particularly aluminum, increased the manufacturing costs. No 
significant investments were made during the period.


Net sales for the Real Estate Group were EUR 1.1 million (2.6) and the 
operating profit EUR 0.1 million (0.7). No significant real estate deals were 
made during the period. The fair value of the standing timber increased 
during the first quarter by EUR 0.1 million (0.7).
Investments by the Real Estate Group totaled EUR 0.7 million (0.8).


Profits for the period for associate Wärtsilä improved from last year, with 
Fiskars' income from associate for the period totaling EUR 8.8 million 
(6.2). As the participation in Wärtsilä is reported as one of the business 
segments in Fiskars' IFRS-compliant financial statements, the income from 
associate Wärtsilä is reported as part of the operating profit.
Fiskars' share of Wärtsilä stock remained unchanged throughout the first 
quarter and was 16.8% (20.5) with the share of votes being 30.6% (28.1). 
The book value of Fiskars' investment in the associate was EUR 223.7 
million (238.3), of which EUR 38.1 million was goodwill. The market value 
of Fiskars share of Wärtsilä was EUR 484 million at the end of the period.

Fiskars' shareholders' equity includes Fiskars' share of the fair value 
reserve calculated in accordance with the IAS 39 standard included in 
Wärtsilä's consolidated shareholders' equity. The value of the reserve was 
EUR 31.3 million at the end of the review period (37.9).


The number of Fiskars personnel was 3,312 (3,559) at the end of the period, 
having been 3,284 at the beginning of the period. The number of personnel 
at Fiskars Brands, Inc. was 2,986, which is a decrease of 223 staff since the 
end of March 2005. Changes in personnel were caused by seasonal 
fluctuation and the production restructuring measures already implemented.


Net financial items during the period decreased somewhat from that of the 
previous year, totaling EUR 1.7 million (2.1). The profit before taxes was 
EUR 14.6 million (13.0). Taxes have been calculated on the basis of the 
local accumulated income and the enacted tax rates while taking into 
consideration the estimated impact of deferred tax assets. Taxes of EUR 2.1 
million (2.7) have been booked on year-to-date accumulated profit. The 
profit for the period totaled EUR 12.5 million (10.4). Earnings per share 
were EUR 0.16 (0.13).


The total assets were EUR 702.4 million (702.7 at the beginning of the 
period). The changes from the beginning of the period in balance sheet items 
were minor, investment in the associate decreased because of dividends 
paid, and the seasonal nature of operations increased trade receivables at the 
beginning of the sales period. The Corporation's interest-bearing net debt 
increased from the beginning of the period by EUR 26.2 million to EUR 
166.2 million (140.0 at the beginning of the period). The increase in debt 
was mainly due to dividend payout during the period.

Net cash from operating activities was EUR 13.2 million (8.2) and net cash 
used in investing activities was EUR –8.1 million (–11.6).

The end-of-period equity to assets ratio was 55% (57% at the beginning of 
the period) and the net gearing ratio was 43% (35% at the beginning of the 
period). The Corporation's financial situation and liquidity remain strong. In 
addition to cash and cash equivalents, the Corporation has significant credit 
facilities available.


During the period and until the Annual General Meeting, the Board of 
Directors had an authorization to purchase and sell the Corporation's shares 
provided that the total nominal value of such shares and the votes carried by 
them did not exceed five percent (5%) of the share capital and the total votes 
in the company.
The Board did not exercise its authorization during the year.

At March 31, 2006, the company held in total 127,512 of its own A shares 
and 420 K shares. The holding has not changed during the review period, 
and the number of shares equals 0.2% of the entire share capital of the 


The Fiskars Corporation Annual General Meeting held on March 20, 2006 
decided to pay a dividend of EUR 0.45 per share of Series A, totaling EUR 
24,667,641, and EUR 0.43 per share of Series K, totaling EUR 
9,703,073.84, for a total of EUR 34,370,714.84.
It was decided that the number of Board members be seven. Mr. Kaj-Gustaf 
Bergh, Mr. Alexander Ehrnrooth, Mr. Paul Ehrnrooth, Ms. Ilona Ervasti-
Vaintola, Mr. Gustaf Gripenberg, Mr. Karl Grotenfelt, and Mr. Olli Riikkala 
were re-elected. The term of the Board members will expire at the end of the 
Annual General Meeting in 2007.

KPMG Oy Ab was elected auditor.

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board of Directors to 
acquire or divest a number of the company's own shares at the Helsinki 
Exchanges in a proportion deviating from the shareholders' existing 
proportionate holdings at share prices quoted on the Helsinki Exchanges at 
the time of such acquisition or divestment, provided that the total nominal 
value of such shares and the votes carried by them do not exceed ten percent 
(10%) of the share capital and the total votes in the company, whereby the 
authorization concerns a maximum of 5,494,449 of the company's own 
shares of Series A and a maximum of 2,256,570 of Series K. The 
authorization is valid for a period of one year from March 20, 2006.

Convening after the Annual General Meeting, the Board elected Olli 
Riikkala its Chairman, and Alexander Ehrnrooth and Paul Ehrnrooth as Vice 
Chairmen. The Board appointed Gustaf Gripenberg Chairman of the Audit 
Committee and Alexander Ehrnrooth, Paul Ehrnrooth and Ilona Ervasti-
Vaintola its other members. The Board appointed Olli Riikkala chairman of 
the Compensation Committee and Kaj-Gustaf Bergh and Karl Grotenfelt its 
other members.


At the end of March 2006, the price of the Fiskars A share at the Helsinki 
Exchanges was EUR 10.16 (9.60 at the start of the year) and the price of the 
K share EUR 10.79 (9.90). The market value of the Corporation's share 
capital was EUR 802 million at the end of the review period.


In October 2005, Fiskars announced that there would be a reorganization of 
the company's production capacity in the United States. Notification of the 
project's progress was given on May 3, 2006. As planned, Fiskars Brands, 
Inc. is expanding its sourcing activities and will discontinue manufacturing 
at four of its industrial locations in the US during the current financial year. 
These measures are targeted to create cost savings so as to improve 
competitiveness and profitability. Fiskars Brands will also continue 
implementing its strategy of concentrating on core products by 
discontinuing two minor non-core product categories. These decisions will 
reduce the number of employees in the US by approximately 430 people 
during the financial year.

Two manufacturing facilities will be closed in Wisconsin and in future the 
products will be outsourced. One of the facilities will continue as a 
distribution center. Personnel reduction in this area will be around 300. The 
facilities have been manufacturing mainly cutting tools such as scissors and 
other craft products.

Other measures will be taken in Georgia, where manufacturing and 
marketing of rubber floor-mats will be discontinued; and in Arizona, where 
the soaker hose business will be discontinued. Personnel reductions in these 
businesses will total 130 and they have an annual net sales level of 
approximately EUR 20 million.

These restructuring measures will have little effect on this year's corporate 
net sales or operating results before restructuring costs. Due to these 
measures, preliminary estimates suggest that the second quarter results will 
include personnel and other costs related to the reorganization of some EUR 
4.5 million.


As stated earlier, Fiskars' net sales and operating profit for the last year 
before the Corporation's income from associate Wärtsilä and before planned 
and announced restructuring costs are expected to be at last year's level. 
Comparing the first quarter of this year to last year and before income from 
associate Wärtsilä, Fiskars had a strong start even though unseasonably cold 
weather hit Europe towards the end of the period, influencing sales 
unfavorably. The positive impact of the structural measures is expected to 
take effect gradually during the latter part of the year and predominantly 
during 2007. Fiskars' income from associate Wärtsilä forms a significant 
part of the Corporation's operating profit.

Heikki Allonen
President and CEO


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with International 
Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34) Interim Financial Reporting.

Use of estimates
Complying with the IFRS standards in preparing financial statements 
requires the management to make estimates and assumptions. Such 
estimates affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure 
of contingent assets and liabilities, and the amounts of revenues and 
expenses. Although these estimates are based on the management's best 
knowledge of current events and actions, actual results may differ from 
these estimates.

Income from associate
The Fiskars Corporation participation in the associate Wärtsilä is one of the 
Corporation's reported business segments. The income from the associate is 
included in the operating profits as of January 1, 2006 and the figures for the 
corresponding periods have been adjusted accordingly.

As of January 1, 2006, Fiskars complies with the following amended and 
new IFRS standards:

IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement: 
Amendments after March 31, 2004:
- Cash flow hedges of forecast intragroup transactions, issued April 
14, 2005; effective from January 1, 2006
- Financial guarantee contracts; issued August 18, 2005; effective 
from January 1, 2006
The adoption of these amendments has not had any significant impact on 
the Corporation's first quarter financial statements.

IAS 19 Employee benefits: amendment of actuarial gains and losses, 
group plans and disclosures; issued December 16, 2004; effective from 
January 1, 2006. 
- The amendment introduces an alternative option regarding the 
recognition of actuarial gains and losses for defined benefit pension 
plans and also adds new disclosure requirements. 
As the Corporation does not intend to change the accounting policy 
adopted for recognition of actuarial gains and losses, adoption of this 
amendment will only impact the format and extent of disclosures 
presented in the annual financial statements.

IFRIC 4 interpretation: Determining whether an arrangement contains a 
lease; issued December 2, 2004; effective from January 1, 2006.
- The adoption of this interpretation has no significant impact on the 
Corporation's first quarter financial statements.


CONSOLIDATED                         1-3    1-3    chg   1-12
INCOME STATEMENT                    2006   2005      %   2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR

NET SALES                          149.5  131.5     14  551.1

Cost of goods sold                -105.9  -91.8     15 -397.0
GROSS PROFIT                        43.5   39.8      9  154.1

Other operating income               0.1    0.1      9    2.3
Sales and marketing expenses       -20.5  -16.7     23  -68.9
Administration expenses            -13.4  -12.8      4  -46.5
Research and development costs      -1.6   -1.3     18   -5.6
Other operating expenses            -0.6   -0.1         -37.4
Income from associate                8.8    6.2     42   28.6
OPERATING PROFIT                    16.3   15.1      8   26.6

Gain on sale of Wärtsilä shares                          49.8
Financial income and expenses       -1.7   -2.1    -18   -7.1
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES                 14.6   13.0     12   69.4

Taxes                               -2.1   -2.7    -22   -7.3
PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD        12.5   10.4     21   62.1

Earnings per share, euro            0.16   0.13          0.80

Earnings per share is undiluted. The company has no open option programs.

CURRENCY RATES                       1-3    1-3    chg   1-12
                                    2006   2005      %   2005

USD average rate (I/S)              1.20   1.31     -8   1.24
USD end-of-period (B/S)             1.21   1.30     -7   1.18

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET          3/06   3/05    chg  12/05
                                    MEUR   MEUR      %   MEUR

Intangible assets                   12.9   11.5     12   13.5
Goodwill                            12.5   30.2    -59   12.8
Tangible assets                    106.6  122.2    -13  110.9
Biological assets                   29.9   31.0     -4   29.9
Investment property                  9.2   15.0    -39    9.4
Investments in associates          223.7  238.3     -6  231.9
Other shares                         5.5    4.3     27    4.8
Other investments                    1.3    1.3      4    1.3
Long-term tax receivables            9.1   10.1    -10    9.0
Deferred tax assets                 34.4   36.6     -6   35.0
LONG-TERM TOTAL                    445.0  500.6    -11  458.5

Inventories                        126.7  124.3      2  129.3
Trade receivables                  115.6  107.9      7   86.9
Other receivables                    8.9   23.9    -63    6.4
Cash in hand and at bank             6.1    6.4     -5   21.7
CURRENT TOTAL                      257.4  262.4     -2  244.2

ASSETS TOTAL                       702.4  763.0     -8  702.7


Equity                             387.0  354.8      9  402.7

L/t interest bear.debt             139.4  157.8    -12  124.5
L/t non-interest bear.debt           2.7    3.3    -20    2.7
Deferred tax liabilities            17.8   20.6    -14   17.6
Pension liability                   15.2   13.3     15   15.5
Provisions                           2.6    2.7     -3    2.9
LONG-TERM LIABILITY TOTAL          177.7  197.8    -10  163.1

S/t interest bear.debt              32.9   88.6    -63   37.2
Trade payable and
other non-interest bearing debt     99.7  115.3    -14   94.6
Income tax payable                   5.1    6.5    -22    5.1
CURRENT LIABILITY TOTAL            137.7  210.4    -35  136.9

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES TOTAL       702.4  763.0     -8  702.7

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT                      1-3    1-3   1-12
OF CASH FLOW                               2006   2005   2005
                                           MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Profit before taxes                        14.6   13.0   69.4
Adjustments for
  Depreciation                              6.5    5.7   58.7
  Income from associate                    -8.8   -6.2  -28.6
  Investment income (net)                  -0.6   -0.8  -52.3
  Interest expense (net)                    2.3    2.9    9.5
  Chg in value of biological assets         0.1    0.1    0.5
Dividends from assoc.comp.                 23.7   17.1   17.1
Dividends received, other                   0.0    0.0    0.1
Financial costs paid (net)                 -1.5   -2.1   -8.3
Taxes paid                                 -1.8   -2.0   -6.7
Change in interest free assets            -27.8  -36.4    8.1
Change in inventories                       0.5  -11.5   -7.8
Change in interest free liability           6.0   28.4    3.0

Acquisitions                                      -5.9  -11.9
Transact. in assoc. comp. shares                         74.4
Capital expenditure                        -3.1   -6.2  -19.0
Proceeds from sale of fixed asset           0.0    0.2    2.9
Sale of other l/t investments               0.1    0.6    1.7
Purchase of other l/t investments          -5.2   -0.3   -0.2

New long-term loans                        15.0    5.0
Amortization of l/t loans                  -4.2    0.0  -32.8
Changes in short-term loans                 0.8   16.7  -39.8
Financial leases, payments                 -0.7   -0.7   -3.7
Other financing items                       0.1   -2.2   -3.1
Dividends paid                            -34.4  -22.8  -22.8

Translation difference (D)                  2.8   -1.9   -2.3
CHANGE IN CASH (A+B+C+D)                  -15.6   -9.2    6.1

Cash at beginning of period                21.7   15.6   15.6
Cash at end of period                       6.1    6.4   21.7

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN                                 Other
CONSOLIDATED EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE          Share    Own reser-Transl.Retain.
TO EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT         capital shares    vesadjustm  earn.  Total
                                           MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Dec.31,2004 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9    0.0   -1.4  260.5  335.8
Adoption of IAS 39
   Fiskars Corporation                                   -0.4           0.4    0.1
   Associated company Wärtsilä                           37.8                 37.8
Jan.1,2005 IFRS                            77.5   -0.9   37.5   -1.4  261.0  373.7
Translation differences                                          1.1           1.1
Other changes in assoc. company                           0.1          -7.7   -7.5
IN EQUITY                                                 0.1    1.1   -7.7   -6.5
Net profit for the period                                              10.4   10.4
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                                    0.1    1.1    2.7    3.9
Dividend distribution                                                 -22.8  -22.8
Mar.31,2005 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9   37.6   -0.3  240.9  354.8
Translation differences                                          0.3           0.3
Change in fair value reserve                              0.4                  0.4
Chg in investment in associates                          -6.9                 -6.9
Other changes in assoc. company                          -6.4    1.2    7.6    2.4
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                -12.9    1.4    7.6   -3.8
Net profit for the period                                              51.8   51.8
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                                  -12.9    1.4   59.4   47.9
Dec.31,2005 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9   24.7    1.2  300.3  402.7
Translation differences                                         -0.6          -0.6
Change in fair value reserve, associate                   6.6                  6.6
Other changes in assoc. company                                  0.1    0.0    0.1
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                  6.6   -0.5    0.0    6.1
Net profit for the period                                              12.5   12.5
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                                    6.6   -0.5   12.5   18.6
Dividend distribution                                                 -34.4  -34.4
Mar.31,2006 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9   31.3    0.7  278.4  387.0

Fiskars shares of associated company Wärtsilä's fair value reserve and its
changes are specified in the other reserves above.

KEYFIGURES                          3/06   3/05    chg  12/05
Equity/share, euro                  5.00   4.59      9   5.20
Equity ratio                         55%    46%           57%
Net gearing                          43%    68%           35%
Equity, meur                       387.0  354.8      9  402.7
Net interest bear.debt, meur       166.2  240.0    -31  140.0
Average number of employees         3293   3539     -7   3476

SEGMENTINFORMATION                   1-3    1-3    chg   1-12
NET SALES                           2006   2005      %   2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                     138.5  121.1     14  513.3
Inha Works                          10.3    8.6     21   32.4
Real Estate                          1.1    2.6    -55    8.9
Unallocated and eliminations        -0.5   -0.7    -33   -3.5
CORPORATE TOTAL                    149.5  131.5     14  551.1

Export from Finland                 17.8   18.9     -6   55.5

SEGMENTINFORMATION                   1-3    1-3          1-12
RESULT                              2006   2005          2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                       8.0    8.5          -1.6
Inha Works                           1.1    1.0           3.5
Real Estate                          0.1    0.7           2.0
Associate Wärtsilä                   8.8    6.2          28.6
Unallocated and eliminations        -1.7   -1.2          -5.8
OPERATING PROFIT                    16.3   15.1          26.6

SEGMENTINFORMATION                   1-3    1-3          1-12
DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION       2006   2005          2005
ACCORDING TO PLAN                   MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                       5.8    5.1          55.9
Inha Works                           0.3    0.2           1.0
Real Estate                          0.3    0.3           1.3
Unallocated and eliminations         0.0    0.1           0.5
CORPORATE TOTAL                      6.5    5.7          58.7

SEGMENTINFORMATION                   1-3    1-3          1-12
INVESTMENTS                         2006   2005          2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                       2.2   10.4          24.1
Inha Works                           0.2    0.7           3.4
Real Estate                          0.7    0.8           2.9
Associate Wärtsilä                                       30.2
Unallocated and eliminations         0.0    0.3           0.4
CORPORATE TOTAL                      3.1   12.3          60.9

GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT                 1-3    1-3    chg   1-12
NET SALES BASED ON CUSTOMER         2006   2005      %   2005
LOCATION                            MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Europe                              68.9   60.0     15  220.1
USA                                 70.9   64.3     10  292.9
Rest of the world                    9.7    7.2     34   38.1
CORPORATE TOTAL                    149.5  131.5     14  551.1

Short delivery times are a prerequisite in Fiskars' fields of operations.
Therefore, the backlog of orders and changes in it are not of
significant importance.

CONTINGENCIES                              3/06   3/05  12/05
                                           MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Real estate mortgages                                0
Pledged assets                                       1
Bills of exchange                             0      0      0
Lease contingencies                          21     18     23
Other contingencies                           1      0      1
TOTAL                                        22     20     24

Real estate mortgages                         2

TOTAL CONTINGENCIES                          24     20     24


Forward exch. contracts                     111    138    145
Currency options                              4             4
Interest rate swaps                                 23
FRA's                                               31     59


Forward exch. contracts                       1     -1     -2
Currency options                              0             0
Interest rate swaps                                  0
FRA's                                                0      0

Nominal values also include closed contracts.
