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Fiskars Corporation   Stock Exchange Release August 11, 2006 at 2.15 pm


Fiskars second quarter net sales on the previous year's level
Net results improved by sale of Power Sentry and income from 
associate  Wärtsilä

- Fiskars comparable net sales were EUR 151.3 million (150.6)
- The operating profit of EUR 36.9 million incorporates restructuring 
  costs of EUR 5.0 million (0.0) as well as income from the associate 
  Wärtsilä totaling EUR 25.1 million (5.9)
- Fiskars Brands restructuring project continues and in the second 
  quarter the company announced the closure of four manufacturing 
  plants in the US
- At the end of the quarter, Fiskars divested the non-core Power Sentry 
- Fiskars strengthened its Outdoor Recreation operations through an 
  agreement to acquire the Swedish Silva Group


EUR million                Q2/06  Q2/05  1–6/06  1–6/05  2005
Net sales                  151.3  150.6  290.4  275.9  509.9
Income from associate      25.1   5.9    33.9   12.1   28.6
Operating profit           36.9   22.5   52.8   37.7   22.7
Profit before taxes        33.2   70.4   47.5   83.6   65.4
Earnings per share,        0.48   0.87   0.64   1.00   0.75
continuing operations
Earnings per share, total  0.65   0.87   0.81   1.01   0.80
Profit for the period      50.2   67.6   62.7   77.9   62.1
Cash flow from             28.3   13.0   41.5   21.3   58.6


Second Quarter, April–June 2006
Fiskars net sales for the second quarter were on the same level as the 
previous year at EUR 151.3 million (150.6). The gross profit improved 
somewhat and the operating profit was EUR 36.9 million (22.5). At EUR 
16.8 million (16.6), the operating profit before restructuring costs of EUR 
5.0 million for the Corporation's wholly-owned operations was at last year's 

Net financial items were EUR 3.6 million (1.9) and pre-tax profit EUR 33.2 
million (70.4).

The Power Sentry operations, divested at the end of the period, are now 
discontinued operations. The EUR 18.3 million gain from the sale of Power 
Sentry and the profit from its operations for 6 months deducted with related 
tax totaling EUR 12.7 million (0.4), is thus reported as profit from 
discontinued operations.

Profit for the second quarter was EUR 50.2 million (67.6). Profit reported in 
2005 included a considerable gain on sale of Wärtsilä shares.

At the end of June, Fiskars signed an agreement to acquire the Swedish 
Silva Group. The transaction was subject to approval by competition 
authorities, who have since approved the acquisition. The transaction will be 
completed as agreed at the end of August. The acquisition includes Silva 
Sweden AB, its US subsidiary The Brunton Company, Silva Group's 
European sales companies, and a majority holding in a production plant in 
China, which began operations in 2005. Silva is well known for its 
compasses, but the company is also an important supplier of other outdoor 
recreation products, such as headlamps and binoculars. The transaction does 
not encompass Silva's marine electronics operations.

Silva will become a part of the Fiskars Brands Outdoor Recreation division, 
in which Gerber is the leading brand. It will be integrated with Fiskars 
Brands operations during the fall.

January–June 2006 review period
Fiskars net sales during the review period increased by 5%, totaling EUR 
290.4 million (275.9). The operating profit was EUR 52.8 million (37.7). 
The operating profit for the Corporation's wholly-owned operations before 
restructuring costs of EUR 5.6 million was EUR 24.5 million (25.6), with 
profitability slightly down to 8.4% (9.3).

Net financial items were EUR 5.3 million (4.0) and the profit before taxes 
was EUR 47.5 million (83.6). The profit from continuing operations during 
the review period was EUR 49.7 million (77.4) and the total profit for the 
period was EUR 62.7 million (77.9).

The Corporation's continuing operations employed 3,227 people at the end 
of the period (3,571). At the beginning of the fiscal year the number of 
personnel was 3,220.


Second Quarter, April–June 2006
Fiskars Brands net sales were EUR 138.4 million (138.7). After 
restructuring costs of EUR 5.0 million, the operating profit was EUR 10.0 
million (16.2). In 2005, Fiskars Brands had booked non-recurring income 
totaling EUR 1.1 million. In Europe the trend was positive despite a very 
cold early spring, whereas sales on the US markets developed less 
favorably. New products are being developed in all product groups while 
sourcing is gradually being increased. The company continued to invest in 
quality control, supply chain management and marketing. 

At the end of June, Fiskars Brands divested its Power Sentry division in the 
US. It is a supplier of primarily home electronics accessories and had no 
manufacturing of its own. With personnel of 64, the division's net sales in 
2005 were EUR 41 million.

The Fiskars Brands restructuring program, begun in the fall of 2005 to 
streamline the company's production structure, continued as planned. The 
company has announced the closure of four manufacturing plants in the US 
and the accompanying reduction of personnel by a total of some 300 
employees by the end of the fiscal year. Scissors, other cutting and plastic 
crafts products which have been manufactured at the Wisconsin plants will 
mainly be sourced in the future. The company has decided to discontinue 
sales and production of floor mats and watering products which were part of 
the Garden and Outdoor Living products category in the US. The annual net 
sales of these products have been approximately EUR 21 million.
Restructuring costs of EUR 5.0 million, mainly personnel-related costs, 
were booked during this second quarter. Total costs of the program are 
expected to stay within the estimated EUR 50 million, of which some EUR 
10 million will be booked during the current financial year.

January–June 2006 review period
Fiskars Brands net sales increased by 5% during the review period and 
totaled EUR 266.4 million (253.5). The operating profit was EUR 17.7 
million (24.8). The operating profit before restructuring costs was EUR 23.3 

Some 52% (57) of net sales were generated in the US during the review 
period, while 45% (40) were generated in Europe.

Investments during the review period totaled EUR 6.1 million (14.7) and 
were mainly focused on rationalizing production and logistics.

Personnel of Fiskars Brands numbered 2,864 employees at the end of the  
period, having decreased by 42 since the beginning of the period. Closure of 
the four manufacturing plants in the US will gradually further decrease 
personnel by some 300 by the end of the fiscal year. Personnel in Finland 
numbered 468 employees, which is a decrease of 61 since the beginning of 
the fiscal year. Both the current restructuring measures and the customary 
seasonal fluctuations in demand affect the number of employees .


During the period, Inha Works net sales increased by 16% from last year, 
totaling EUR 22.5 million (19.4). The operating profit was on the same level 
as last year, being EUR 2.7 million (2.7).

Growth continued in the overall boat market and Inha plant has been 
operating at full capacity. Using contract manufacturing for the smallest 
boat models has helped the company to meet increased demand. The rise in 
the cost of aluminum as well as raw materials for plastics has influenced  
manufacturing costs adversely. Also changes in the product mix (of other 
products than boats) manufactured by Inha Works, had an unfavorable 
impact on the development.

No significant investments were made at Inha Works .

At the end of the period personnel comprised 310 employees, which is 39 
more than at the beginning of the period.


Net sales for the Real Estate Group were EUR 2.8 million (4.4). The 
operating profit was EUR 1.9 million (0.6). The fair value of the standing 
timber increased during the period, having decreased during the 
corresponding period last year. No significant real estate deals were made 
during the period.

Investments by the Real Estate Group totaled EUR 1.3 million (1.3).


Profits for the period for the associated company Wärtsilä improved 
significantly from last year, with Fiskars' share of the profits totaling EUR 
33.9 million (12.1).

Fiskars share of Wärtsilä capital was 16.7%, decreasing by 0.1% from the 
beginning of the period as holders of Wärtsilä options had traded in their 
options for stock. The share of votes was 30.6%.

The book value of Fiskars' investment in the associate remained practically 
unchanged at EUR 232.9 million (231.9 at the beginning of the year), of 
which EUR 37.6 million was goodwill. The market value of Fiskars shares 
in Wärtsilä was EUR 518 million at the end of the period.

The equity of Fiskars' Corporation includes Fiskars' share of the fair value 
reserve calculated in accordance with the IAS 39 standard included in 
Wärtsilä's consolidated shareholders' equity. The value of the Corporation's 
share of this reserve was EUR 15.7 million at the end of the review period, 
having been EUR 24.7 million at the beginning of the year.


Financial income and expenses during the period increased somewhat from 
the previous year, totaling EUR 5.3 million (4.0). The increase is due to this 
year's lower investment income in combination with exchange translation 
Profit before taxes was EUR 47.5 million (83.6). The previous year's result 
incorporated a EUR 49.8 million gain from the sale of Wärtsilä shares.

Taxes for the review period have been calculated on the basis of 
accumulated income by market and the respective enacted tax rates, while 
also taking into consideration the availability  of deferred tax assets. Taxes 
of EUR 7.5 million relating to the gain from the sale of the Power Sentry 
assets is included in the profit from discontinued operations and a 
corresponding enhancement in the valuation allowance of deferred tax assets 
has been made  for this period. Therefore the taxes for this period are 

Profit for the period from continuing operations was EUR 49.7 million 
(77.4). The profit from discontinued operations, which includes both the 
gain from the sale of the Power Sentry division as well as its accumulated 
profit for 6 months, was EUR 13.0 million (0.6). The profit for the review 
period was EUR 62.7 million (77.9)
Earnings per share were EUR 0.81 (1.01). 


Total assets were EUR 711.6 million (702.7 at the beginning of the period). 
Changes in balance sheet items were minor, inventories decreased and trade 
receivables increased due to normal seasonal changes in operations. The 
Corporation's interest-bearing net debt was reduced during the period by 
EUR 38.1 million to EUR 101.9 million. Cash in hand and at bank includes 
proceeds from the sale of  the Power Sentry on the last day of the period.

Net cash from operating activities was EUR 41.5 million (21.3) and net cash 
used in investing activities was EUR 22.3 million (85.0).

The equity ratio improved, and was 59% (57% at the beginning of the year). 
Net gearing was also improved and went down to 24% (35% at the 
beginning of the year). The Corporation's financial situation and liquidity 
remain strong. In addition to cash and cash equivalents, the Corporation has 
significant credit facilities available.


Until the Annual General Meeting on March 20, the Board of Directors had 
been authorized to purchase and sell the Corporation's shares provided that 
the total nominal value of such shares and the votes carried by them did not 
exceed five percent (5%) of the share capital and the total votes in the 

At the Annual General Meeting, the Board were authorized to purchase and 
sell the Corporation's shares provided that the total nominal value of such 
shares and the votes carried by them did not exceed ten percent (10%) of the 
share capital and the total votes in the company. The Board did not exercise 
its authorization during the review period.

At June 30, 2006, the company held in total 127,512 of its own A-shares and 
420 K-shares. The holding has not changed during the review period, and 
the number of shares equals 0.2% of the entire share capital of the company.


The Fiskars Corporation Annual General Meeting held on March 20, 2006 
decided to pay a dividend of EUR 0.45 per share of Series A, totaling EUR 
24,667,641, and EUR 0.43 per share of Series K, totaling EUR 
9,703,073.84, for a total of EUR 34,370,714.84.

It was decided that the number of Board members be seven. Mr. Kaj-Gustaf 
Bergh, Mr. Alexander Ehrnrooth, Mr. Paul Ehrnrooth, Ms. Ilona Ervasti-
Vaintola, Mr. Gustaf Gripenberg, Mr. Karl Grotenfelt, and Mr. Olli Riikkala 
were re-elected. The term of the Board members will expire at the end of the 
Annual General Meeting in 2007.

KPMG Oy Ab was elected auditor.

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to acquire or 
divest a number of the company's own shares at the Helsinki Exchanges in a 
proportion deviating from the shareholders' existing proportionate holdings 
at share prices quoted on the Helsinki Exchanges at the time of such 
acquisition or divestment, provided that the total nominal value of such 
shares and the votes carried by them do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the 
share capital and the total votes in the company, whereby the authorization 
concerns a maximum of 5,494,449 of the company's own shares of Series A 
and a maximum of 2,256,570 of Series K. The authorization is valid for a 
period of one year from March 20, 2006.

Convening after the Annual General Meeting, the Board elected Olli 
Riikkala its Chairman, and Alexander Ehrnrooth and Paul Ehrnrooth as Vice 
Chairmen. The Board appointed Gustaf Gripenberg Chairman of the Audit 
Committee and Alexander Ehrnrooth, Paul Ehrnrooth and Ilona Ervasti-
Vaintola as its other members. The Board appointed Olli Riikkala Chairman 
of the Compensation Committee and Kaj-Gustaf Bergh and Karl Grotenfelt 
as its other members.


At the end of June, the price of the Fiskars A-shares at the Helsinki 
Exchanges was EUR 10.12 (9.60 at the beginning of the year) and of the K-
shares EUR 10.74 (9.90). The market value of the Corporation's share 
capital was EUR 798 million at the end of the review period.


As stated earlier, Fiskars' net sales and operating profit from continuing 
operations  before the Corporation's income from associate Wärtsilä and the 
announced restructuring costs are expected to be at last year's level.

Seasonal fluctuations and rapid, even monthly, changes will continue 
throughout the latter half of the year. Market trends in Europe are expected 
to stay positive, while competition remains fierce in the US. 

Some EUR 46 million of the estimated EUR 50 million cost of the 
restructuring program, begun in the US in 2005, have been realized and the 
remainder will be booked over the following months.

Fiskars' income from associate Wärtsilä will form a significan part of the 
Corporation's operating profit.

Heikki Allonen
President and CEO


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with International 
Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34) Interim Financial Reporting.

Use of estimates
Complying with the IFRS standards in preparing financial statements
requires the management to make estimates and assumptions. Such 
estimates affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure 
of contingent assets and liabilities, and the amounts of revenues and 
expenses. Although these estimates are based on the management's best 
knowledge of current events and actions, actual  esults may differ from these 

Income from associate
The Fiskars Corporation participation in the associate Wärtsilä is one of the 
Corporation's reported business segments. The income from the associate is 
included in the operating profits as of January 1, 2006 and the figures for the 
corresponding periods have been adjusted accordingly.

As of January 1, 2006, Fiskars complies with the following amended and 
new IFRS standards:

IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement:
Amendments after March 31, 2004:
- Cash flow hedges of forecast intragroup transactions, issued April 14, 
2005; effective from January 1, 2006
- Financial guarantee contracts; issued August 18, 2005; effective from 
January 1, 2006
The adoption of these amendments has not had any significant impact on the 
Corporation's first quarter financial statements.

IAS 19 Employee benefits: amendment of actuarial gains and losses,
group plans and disclosures; issued December 16, 2004; effective from
January 1, 2006.
- The amendment introduces an alternative option regarding the
recognition of actuarial gains and losses for defined benefit pension
plans and also adds new disclosure requirements.
As the Corporation does not intend to change the accounting policy adopted 
for recognition of actuarial gains and losses, adoption of this amendment 
will only impact the format and extent of disclosures presented in the annual 
financial statements.

IFRIC 4 interpretation: Determining whether an arrangement contains a
lease; issued December 2, 2004; effective from January 1, 2006.
- The adoption of this interpretation has no significant impact on the 
Corporation's first quarter financial statements.

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT        4-6    4-6    chg    1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
                                    2006   2005      %   2006   2005      %   2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR

NET SALES                          151.3  150.6      0  290.4  275.9      5  509.9

Cost of goods sold                -105.7 -105.8      0 -203.2 -192.2      6 -364.2
GROSS PROFIT                        45.7   44.8      2   87.2   83.6      4  145.6

Other operating income               1.4    1.1     25    1.5    1.2     24    2.3
Sales and marketing expenses       -17.9  -17.1      5  -37.2  -33.0     13  -65.9
Administration expenses            -11.2  -12.7    -12  -24.1  -25.3     -5  -45.3
Research and development costs      -1.4   -1.3      4   -2.9   -2.6     11   -5.3
Other operating expenses            -4.9    1.7          -5.6    1.7         -37.4
Income from associate               25.1    5.9          33.9   12.1          28.6
OPERATING PROFIT                    36.9   22.5     64   52.8   37.7     40   22.7

Gain on sale of Wärtsilä shares            49.8                 49.8          49.8
Financial income and expenses       -3.6   -1.9     94   -5.3   -4.0     35   -7.1
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES                 33.2   70.4    -53   47.5   83.6    -43   65.4

Taxes                                4.3   -3.3           2.2   -6.2          -7.3
PROFIT FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS   37.5   67.2    -44   49.7   77.4    -36   58.2

Profit from discontinued oper.      12.7    0.4          13.0    0.6           3.9
PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD        50.2   67.6    -26   62.7   77.9    -20   62.1

Earnings per share, euro            0.65   0.87          0.81   1.01          0.80
  continuing operations             0.48   0.87          0.64   1.00          0.75
  discontinued operations           0.16   0.00          0.17   0.01          0.05

Earnings per share is undiluted. The company has no open option programs.

CURRENCY RATES                       1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
                                    2006   2005      %   2005

USD average rate (I/S)              1.23   1.29     -4   1.24
USD end-of-period (B/S)             1.27   1.21      5   1.18

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET          6/06   6/05    chg  12/05
                                    MEUR   MEUR      %   MEUR

Intangible assets                   11.8   11.0      7   13.5
Goodwill                            11.3   32.9    -66   12.8
Tangible assets                    102.8  129.6    -21  110.9
Biological assets                   30.2   29.8      2   29.9
Investment property                  9.0   12.1    -25    9.4
Investments in associates          232.9  181.2     28  231.9
Other shares                         4.9    4.6      6    4.8
Other investments                    1.2    1.3     -4    1.3
Avoir fiscal tax receivables         8.2    9.1     -9    9.0
Deferred tax assets                 32.9   38.7    -15   35.0
LONG-TERM TOTAL                    445.2  450.3     -1  458.5

Inventories                        103.5  132.1    -22  129.3
Trade receivables                  108.9  118.1     -8   86.9
Other receivables                    2.3    4.5    -49    6.4
Cash in hand and at bank            51.7   89.9    -42   21.7
CURRENT TOTAL                      266.4  344.6    -23  244.2

ASSETS TOTAL                       711.6  794.9    -10  702.7


Shareholders' equity               420.3  412.8      2  402.7

L/t interest bear.debt             135.9  149.4     -9  124.5
L/t non-interest bear.debt           2.6    3.9    -34    2.7
Deferred tax liabilities            17.4   21.0    -17   17.6
Pension liability                   14.1   13.2      7   15.5
Provisions                           6.6    3.7     78    2.9
LONG-TERM LIABILITY TOTAL          176.5  191.3     -8  163.1

S/t interest bear.debt              17.7   76.6    -77   37.2
Trade payable and
other non-interest bearing debt     90.9  106.2    -14   94.6
Income tax payable                   6.1    8.0    -23    5.1
CURRENT LIABILITY TOTAL            114.7  190.8    -40  136.9

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES TOTAL       711.6  794.9    -10  702.7

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT                      1-6    1-6   1-12
OF CASH FLOW                               2006   2005   2005
                                           MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Profit before taxes                        47.5   83.6   65.4
Adjustments for
  Depreciation                             12.6   11.8   58.5
  Income from associate                   -33.9  -12.1  -28.6
  Investment income (net)                  -0.4  -51.0  -52.3
  Interest expense (net)                    5.7    5.1    9.5
  Chg in value of biological assets        -0.3    0.7    0.5
Dividends from associates                  23.7   17.1   17.1
Dividends received, other                   3.6    0.1    0.1
Financial costs paid (net)                 -5.3   -5.0   -8.2
Taxes paid                                 -3.0   -3.5   -6.7
Change in interest free assets            -32.3  -24.9    8.1
Change in inventories                      12.4  -14.7   -7.8
Change in interest free liabilities        11.2   14.2    3.0

Acquisitions                               -0.4         -11.9
Transact. in assoc. comp. shares                 101.8   74.4
Capital expenditure                        -8.6  -18.1  -18.8
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets          1.9    0.3    2.9
Sale of other l/t investments               1.8    0.7    1.7
Purchase of other l/t investments          -5.1   -0.3   -0.2
Cash flow from discontinued operations     32.7    0.6    3.9

New long-term loans                        15.0    5.0
Amortization of l/t loans                  -3.1  -12.4  -32.8
Changes in short-term loans               -14.4   -1.7  -39.8
Financial leases, payments                 -1.5   -1.6   -3.7
Other financing items                       0.1    0.2   -3.1
Dividends paid                            -34.4  -22.8  -22.8

Translation difference (D)                  4.4    1.2   -2.3
CHANGE IN CASH (A+B+C+D)                   30.0   74.2    6.1

Cash at beginning of period                21.7   15.6   15.6
Cash at end of period                      51.7   89.8   21.7

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN                                 Other
CONSOLIDATED EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE          Share    Own reser-Transl.Retain.
TO EQUITY HOLDERS OF THE PARENT         capital shares    vesadjustm  earn.  Total
                                           MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Dec.31,2004 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9    0.0   -1.4  260.5  335.8
Adoption of IAS 39
   Fiskars Corporation                                   -0.4           0.4    0.1
   Associate Wärtsilä                                    37.8                 37.8
Jan.1,2005 IFRS                            77.5   -0.9   37.5   -1.4  261.0  373.7
Translation differences                                          2.4           2.4
Change in fair value reserve                              0.4                  0.4
Chg in investment in associate                           -6.9                 -6.9
Other changes in associate                              -13.0    0.8    0.3  -11.9
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                -19.5    3.2    0.3  -16.1
Net profit for the period                                              77.9   77.9
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                                  -19.5    3.2   78.3   61.9
Dividend distribution                                                 -22.8  -22.8
Jun.30,2005 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9   17.9    1.8  316.5  412.8
Translation differences                                         -1.0          -1.0
Other changes in associate                                6.8    0.4   -0.4    6.8
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                  6.8   -0.6   -0.4    5.8
Net profit for the period                                             -15.8  -15.8
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                                    6.8   -0.6  -16.2  -10.0
Dec.31,2005 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9   24.7    1.2  300.3  402.7
Translation differences                                         -1.6          -1.6
Change in fair value reserve, associate                  -9.0                 -9.0
Other changes in associate                                      -0.2    0.0   -0.2
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                 -9.0   -1.8    0.0  -10.8
Net profit for the period                                              62.7   62.7
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                                   -9.0   -1.8   62.7   52.0
Dividend distribution                                                 -34.4  -34.4
Jun.30,2006 IFRS                           77.5   -0.9   15.7   -0.6  328.7  420.3

Fiskars shares of associated company Wärtsilä's fair value reserve and its
changes are specified in the other reserves above.

KEY FIGURES                         6/06   6/05    chg  12/05
Equity/share, euro                  5.43   5.33      2   5.20
Equity ratio                         59%    52%           57%
Net gearing                          24%    33%           35%
Equity, meur                       420.3  412.8      2  402.7
Net interest bear.debt, meur       101.9  136.2    -25  140.0
Average number of employees         3245   3535     -8   3426

SEGMENT INFORMATION                  4-6    4-6    chg    1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
NET SALES                           2006   2005      %   2006   2005      %   2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                     138.4  138.7      0  266.4  253.5      5  472.0
Inha Works                          12.2   10.8     12   22.5   19.4     16   32.4
Real Estate                          1.6    1.8    -10    2.8    4.4    -37    8.9
Unallocated and eliminations        -0.9   -0.8     11   -1.3   -1.5    -10   -3.5
CORPORATE TOTAL                    151.3  150.6      0  290.4  275.9      5  509.9

Export from Finland                 15.4   15.3      1   33.2   34.2     -3   55.5

SEGMENT INFORMATION                  4-6    4-6           1-6    1-6          1-12
RESULT                              2006   2005          2006   2005          2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                      10.0   16.2          17.7   24.8          -5.6
Inha Works                           1.6    1.7           2.7    2.7           3.5
Real Estate                          1.8   -0.1           1.9    0.6           2.0
Associate Wärtsilä                  25.1    5.9          33.9   12.1          28.6
Unallocated and eliminations        -1.8   -1.3          -3.5   -2.5          -5.8
OPERATING PROFIT                    36.9   22.5          52.8   37.7          22.7

SEGMENT INFORMATION                  4-6    4-6           1-6    1-6          1-12
DEPRECIATIONS                       2006   2005          2006   2005          2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                       5.5    5.5          11.2   10.6          55.7
Inha Works                           0.3    0.2           0.6    0.5           1.0
Real Estate                          0.3    0.3           0.6    0.6           1.3
Unallocated and eliminations         0.0    0.1           0.1    0.1           0.5
CORPORATE TOTAL                      6.1    6.1          12.6   11.8          58.5

SEGMENT INFORMATION                  4-6    4-6           1-6    1-6          1-12
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                 2006   2005          2006   2005          2005
                                    MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                       3.8    4.3           6.1   14.7          24.1
Inha Works                           0.4    1.2           0.6    1.9           3.4
Real Estate                          0.6    0.5           1.3    1.3           2.9
Associate Wärtsilä                          3.2                  3.2          30.2
Unallocated and eliminations                0.0           0.0    0.4           0.4
CORPORATE TOTAL                      4.8    9.2           7.9   21.4          60.9

GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT                 4-6    4-6    chg    1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
NET SALES BASED ON CUSTOMER         2006   2005      %   2006   2005      %   2005
LOCATION                            MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Europe                              71.2   65.5      9  140.0  125.4     12  219.3
USA                                 66.4   73.8    -10  127.2  132.1     -4  253.3
Rest of the world                   13.6   11.3     21   23.2   18.4     26   37.3
CORPORATE TOTAL                    151.3  150.6      0  290.4  275.9      5  509.9

Short delivery times are a prerequisite in Fiskars' fields of operations.
Therefore, the backlog of orders and changes in it are not of
significant importance.

CONTINGENCIES                              6/06   6/05  12/05
                                           MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Bills of exchange                             0      0      0
Lease contingencies                          20     20     23
Other contingencies                           8      2      1
TOTAL                                        29     22     24

Real estate mortgages                         2      2      2

TOTAL CONTINGENCIES                          30     23     26


Forward exch. contracts                      94    170    145
Currency options                                            4
Interest rate swaps                                 17
FRA's                                               58     59


Forward exch. contracts                       0     -6     -2
Currency options                                            0
Interest rate swaps                                  0
FRA's                                                0      0

Forward exchange contracts have been valued at market in the financial statements.
