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Fiskars Corporation      Stock Exchange Release August 8, at 8.30 am 


Fiskars increased net sales and improved profitability in second 

- Net sales were EUR 165.5 million (151.3)
- Operating profit for the wholly-owned businesses was EUR 22.7 
  million (16.7 excluding EUR 5.0 million in non-recurring costs)
- Income from Wärtsilä was EUR 8.6 million (25.1)
- French Leborgne S.A. was acquired in May
- An agreement was signed to purchase Iittala Group Plc at the end of June


EUR, million              Q2/2007    Q2/2006    1-6/2007    1-6/2006    2006
Net sales                 165.5      151.3      317.5       290.4       534.9
Operating profit from     22.7       11.7       35.6        18.9        27.2
Income from associate     8.6        25.1       15.5        33.9        58.6
Operating profit          31.3       36.9       51.1        52.8        85.8
Pre-tax profit            28.9       33.2       47.0        47.5        76.7
Net profit for the period 25.3       50.2       40.0        62.7        82.0
Earnings/share from       0.33       0.48       0.52        0.64        0.86
continuing operations, 
Earnings/share, total,    0.33       0.65       0.52        0.81        1.06
Cash from operations      22.5       28.7       30.3        41.5        99.0


Second quarter, April-June 2007

Fiskars net sales increased by 9.4% in the second quarter compared to the 
previous year, being EUR 165.5 million (151.3). Acquisitions represented 
a total of EUR 11.4 million or 7.5% of the growth in the quarter.

The Corporation's operating profit was EUR 31.3 million (36.9), 
including a EUR 8.6 million income from the associate Wärtsilä (25.1). 
Thus, the operating profit from the Fiskars' wholly-owned businesses was 
EUR 22.7 million (16.7 excluding non-recurring restructuring costs of 
EUR 5.0 million) or 13.7% of net sales (11.1 %).

Net financial costs were EUR 2.3 million (3.6) and the pre-tax profit was 
EUR 28.9 million (33.2).

Taxes for continuing operations were EUR 3.6 million, while the taxes for 
the corresponding period last year were EUR 4.3 million positive due to 
the tax treatment of discontinued operations in the USA. Power Sentry 
division was divested in the USA in the second quarter of 2006 and the 
EUR 12.7 million gain from the divestiture was reported as profit from 
discontinued operations.

The net profit for the quarter was EUR 25.3 million (50.2) and earnings 
per share were EUR 0.33 (0.65).

January-June 2007 review period

Fiskars net sales increased by 9.4% in the review period, totaling EUR 
317.5 million (290.4). Silva Group, acquired in September 2006, 
represented EUR 17.9 million or 6.2% of the growth. Leborgne S.A., the 
French company manufacturing and marketing garden tools which was 
acquired in May 2007, has been consolidated with Fiskars operations 
from the beginning of May. Since then, Leborgne net sales have been 
EUR 2.7 million. When comparing the net sales for the review period 
with the previous year, the impact of about EUR 13 million of the 
discontinuation of floor-mat and water-hose product lines in the United 
States at the end of 2006 as well as the effects of the weakening of the US 
dollar should be noted. With constant exchange rates, a calculated 
increase in sales would have been 13.6%. During the review period, 
55.7% of net sales were generated in Europe (48.4%) and 38.0% in the 
USA (43.8%).

Operating profit was EUR 51.1 million (52.8). The operating profit for 
the Corporation's wholly-owned operations was EUR 35.6 million or 
11.2% of net sales. Profits were improved both in industrial operations 
and as a consequence of higher prices of standing timber for EUR 5.1 
million in the real estate segment. The operating profit for the 
corresponding period last year before non-recurring restructuring costs of 
EUR 5.6 million was EUR 24.5 million or 8.4%.

Net financial costs decreased from last year, totaling EUR 4.1 million 
(5.3). The pre-tax profit was EUR 47.0 million (47.5) and the net profit 
for the review period was EUR 40.0 million (62.7). The corresponding 
period last year included EUR 13.0 million in non-recurring profit from 
discontinued operations.

Personnel totaled 3,333, having been 3,003 at the beginning of the year. 
Staff numbers increased by the 120 employees of Leborgne S.A., and also 
due to seasonal fluctuations in the European operations as well as within 
the Outdoor Recreation operations in the USA.


Second quarter, April-June 2007

Fiskars Brands net sales increased by 5.4% and was EUR 145.8 million 
(138.4). The operating profit improved and was EUR 18.7 million (10.0). 
The operating profit for the corresponding period last year included EUR 
5.0 million in non-recurring restructuring costs. The comparable 
operating profit percentage was 12.8 (10.8 %).

Fiskars Brands strengthened its garden tools operations in Europe through 
the acquisition of the French company Leborgne S.A. The company 
markets its products mostly in France and other parts of southern Europe. 
Leborgne's annual net sales are approximately EUR 16 million. The 
consolidated net sales for the second quarter was EUR 2.7 million.

January-June 2007 review period

Fiskars Brands net sales increased by 6.1% and was EUR 282.7 million 
(266.4). The operating profit was EUR 29.9 million (17.7). The 
corresponding period last year included restructuring costs of EUR 5.6 
million, comparable profitability being 10.6% (8.7).

The acquisition of Silva Group last year and Leborgne during the review 
period resulted in a combined increase in net sales of EUR 20.4 million or 
7.8%. The weakening dollar had a negative impact on sales, as did the 
discontinuation of the floor-mat and water-hose production lines in the 
USA in the Fall of last year.

Profitability for Fiskars Brands operations increased from last year.  
Profitability was in particulary improved with the discontinuation of less 
profitable production lines in accordance with the restructuring project 
realized in the US. The move to increased outsourcing has progressed 
according to plan.

In the European markets, where the bulk of the business  is in garden 
tools, sales developed positively during the entire first half of the year. 
Sales of both garden tools and housewares increased through new product 
launches as well as through the opening up of new market areas. For 
some products, a rapid increase in demand has lead to occasional delays 
in deliveries and measures are taken to rectify this.

US sales of garden tools has developed favorably compared to last year 
and the marketing effort realized at the end of last year has proven 
successful. Competition continues to be stiff, however.

Sales of outdoor recreation products also increased clearly compared to 
last year. Gerber, which mainly operates in the USA markets, has gained 
more shelf space in the stores of some large customers and has also 
signed a significant agreement to deliver products to governmental  use. 
Last year's acquisition, Silva, also increased sales of outdoor recreation 
products in the European markets and broadened its product range.

Large numbers of new craft products and consumables were released in 
the US market during the review period and their share of sales increased. 
The restructuring project initiated in 2005 was completed and the share of 
outsourced articles among the offering has increased significantly.

In the markets outside Europe and the US, sales have developed favorably 
in Australia and Canada, while sales in Mexico trailed last year's 
numbers. In these markets, the products sold are mainly garden tools.

Investments during the review period totaled EUR 19.5 million (6.1). The 
acquisition cost for Leborgne S.A., included in investments, was EUR 
13.2 million.

Fiskars Brands personnel numbered 2,943 at the end of the review period, 
an increase of 284 people since the beginning of the year. The increase 
was due to the acquisition of Leborgne (120), the usual seasonal 
fluctuations in Europe (134), and the increased capacity of Gerber's 
outdoor recreation production line to meet the large delivery contract 


In the review period, net sales for Inha Works increased by 23% 
compared to last year, totaling EUR 27.8 million (22.5). Operating profit 
was EUR 3.6 million (2.7). Profitability increased and the operating profit 
percentage was 12.8 (12.1).

Buster boat sales increased once again this year in all their most important 
markets. Investments in production have improved profitability, and 
productivity is higher up. The factory worked to its full capacity and 
production continues to be developed.

The new Buster X has found its user group and has become one of the 
most popular boat models. A minor problem with the boat's fuel tank seal 
has been appropriately dealt with and the measures taken will not cause 
Inha Works significant costs.

The hinges and forged products operations developed according to plan.

The company has continued to invest in its product development and 
market research in order to complement its boat range in a way that will 
respond to market expectations.

Investments during the review period were EUR 1.7 million (0.6). 

Personnel totaled 335 at the end of the review period (301 at the 
beginning of the year).


Net sales for the Real Estate Group was EUR 8.0 million (2.8). The 
operating profit was EUR 6.0 million (1.9). The price of standing timber 
has increased clearly in the first half of the year, resulting in an increase 
of EUR 6.0 million (0.8) in net sales and operating profit. The total value 
of the Fiskars Corporation standing timber at the end of the review period 
was EUR 40.3 million (30.2).

No major real estate deals were made during the review period and the 
business developed according to plan.

Investments by the Real Estate operations totaled EUR 0.6 million (1.3). 

The number of staff was 37 (27 at the beginning of the year).


Fiskars' income from associate Wärtsilä for the review period was EUR 
15.5 million (33.9). Wärtsilä's net profit for the corresponding period last 
year included a significant gain from the divestment of shares in Assa 
Abloy and a share in the associate Ovako's net profits.

Fiskars' share of Wärtsilä equity and votes was 16.5% (16.8%) and 
30.4% (30.6%) respectively. Fiskars did not sell or purchase any Wärtsilä 
shares during the review period.

The book value of Fiskars' investment in the associate was EUR 227.8 
million (239.1 at the beginning of the year). Dividends paid to Fiskars in 
the review period totaled EUR 27.7 million (23.7). Some EUR 37.6 
million of the book value of Fiskars' holding in Wärtsilä was goodwill.

The market value of Fiskars shares in Wärtsilä was EUR 764 million at 
the end of the review period.


Net financial costs for the review period were EUR 4.1 million (5.3). The 
financial income for the review period was slightly higher than during the 
corresponding period last year.

Profit before taxes totaled EUR 47.0 million (47.5). Taxes for the review 
period have been calculated on the basis of the local accumulated income 
and the enacted tax rates while taking into consideration the potential use 
of deferred tax assets and the estimated whole-year effective tax rate. 
Taxes totaled EUR 7.1 million; the taxes for the corresponding period last 
year were EUR 2.2 million positive due to the tax treatment of 
discontinued operations.

The net profit for the period for continuing operations was EUR 40.0 
million (49.7). Power Sentry division, divested in the summer of 2006, 
was reclassified in 2006 as discontinued operations and its net profit for 
last year's first quarter is reported accordingly.

The net profit for the review period was EUR 40.0 million (62.7). The 
minority share was not significant. The earnings per share attributable to 
equity holders of the company was EUR 0.52 (0.81).


Total assets were EUR 728.9 million (707.2 at the beginning of the year). 
Fiskars operations are seasonal and the second quarter is the most 
important quarter for the operations. Growth in operations increased trade 
receivables and inventories as well as trade payables. Net working capital 
was EUR 138.1 million, or EUR 33.4 million more than at the end of the 
year. The Corporation's interest-bearing net debt was EUR 137.4 million, 
or EUR 35.5 million more than at year-end.

Net cash flow from operating activities was EUR 30.3 million (41.5). Net 
cash used in investing activities totaled EUR 18.2 million. In the 
corresponding period last year, the cash flow of investing activities was 
EUR 22.3 million positive because of divestments.

The equity to assets ratio was 57% (60% at the beginning of the year). 
Net gearing was 33% (24% at the beginning of the year).

The Corporation's financial situation and liquidity remain strong. In 
addition to cash and cash equivalents, the Corporation has significant 
credit facilities available.


Fiskars most important operational risks relate to supply-chain control, 
the potential structural changes in the retail environment in various 
markets and also partly to the development of the prices of raw materials. 
Efforts are made in particular to improve supply chain management and 
build ties to subcontractors, as outsourcing is increased in accordance 
with the Corporation's strategy. In order to mitigate possible problems 
with subcontractors and logistics, the Corporation has also increased 

The potential structural changes in distribution channels are seen to 
represent a risk mainly in the US, and operations are required increased 
flexibility and ability to think ahead.

Most of the company's industrial operations are of such nature that have 
no significant environmental risks. The company complies with 
legislation and statutes for the protection of the environment and strives to 
develop its production and mode of operation in ways that minimize the 
burden on the environment.

The Fiskars Corporation Board of Directors regularly reviews the 
principles for the management of financial risks and in accordance with 
the Corporation's investment policy, liquid assets are only invested in 
low-risk entities. Trade receivables are relatively widely spread 
geographically and between customers, and major customers generally 
have a high credit rating. No significant credit losses have materialized 
during the review period.

The Corporation has protected a portion of its most significant foreign 
currency net investments in its subsidiaries against exchange rate 
fluctuations and as from January 1, 2007 it has applied hedge accounting 
in accordance with IAS 39 standard to them.


Until the Annual General Meeting held March 21, 2007, the Board of 
Directors had an authorization to repurchase and decide on the 
distribution of the Corporation's shares provided that the total nominal 
value of such shares and the votes carried by them did not exceed ten 
percent (10%) of the share capital and the total votes in the company. At 
the Annual General meeting on March 21, 2007 the authorization was 
renewed unchanged. The Board has not exercised its authorization during 
the review period.

As at June 30, 2007, the company held in total 127,512 of its own A 
shares and 420 K shares. The holding has not changed during the review 
period, and the number of shares equals 0.2% of the entire share capital of 
the company. The EUR 0.9 million repurchase cost of the Corporation's 
own shares decreases the Corporation's equity.


Fiskars shares are traded on the OMX Nordic Exchange. The shares were 
moved to the Large Cap Helsinki segment in the beginning of July 2007. 
At the end of June, the price of the Fiskars A share was EUR 12.79 (12.29 
at the beginning of the year) and the price of the K share EUR 14.00 
(12.11). The market value of the Corporation's share capital was EUR 
1,017 million at the end of the review period.


The Annual General Meeting of shareholders on March 21, 2007 decided 
to pay a dividend of EUR 0.60 per share for A shares, totaling EUR 
32,890,188, and EUR 0.58 per share for K shares, totaling EUR 
13,087,867, the sum total for both series of shares being EUR 45,978,055.

It was decided that the number of Board members be nine. Mr. Kaj-
Gustaf Bergh, Mr. Alexander Ehrnrooth, Mr. Paul Ehrnrooth, Mr. Ralf 
Böer, Mr. David Drury, Ms. Ilona Ervasti-Vaintola, Mr. Gustaf 
Gripenberg, Mr. Karl Grotenfelt, and Mr. Clas Thelin were elected to the 
Board. The term of the Board members will expire at the end of the 
Annual General Meeting in 2008.

KPMG Oy Ab was elected auditor.

The Annual General Meeting decided to authorize the Board to 
repurchase, of the company's own shares, no more than 5,366,937 of 
series A and no more than 2,256,150 of series K shares in a proportion 
other than that of the shareholders' proportional shareholdings. The share 
price will be no higher than the highest price paid for Fiskars Corporation 
shares in public trading at the time of repurchase. This authorization shall 
remain in force until the end of the next Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting authorized the Board to decide on the 
distribution of the company's repurchased shares up to a maximum of 
5,494,449 series A shares and up to a maximum of 2,256,570 series K 
shares. The Board may decide on the distribution of the shares otherwise 
than in proportion to the shareholders'existing pre-emptive subscription 
rights. This authorization shall remain in force until the end of the next 
Annual General Meeting.

In its organization meeting the Board elected Kaj-Gustaf Bergh its 
chairman and Alexander Ehrnrooth and Paul Ehrnrooth vice chairmen. 
The Board decided to establish an Audit Committee, a Compensation 
Committee, and a Nomination Committee.

The Board appointed Gustaf Gripenberg chairman of the Audit 
Committee, and David Drury,  Alexander Ehrnrooth, Paul Ehrnrooth and 
Ilona Ervasti-Vaintola as its other members.
The Board appointed Kaj-Gustaf Bergh chairman of the Compensation 
Committee and Ralf Böer, Karl Grotenfelt and Clas Thelin as its other 
The Board appointed Kaj-Gustaf Bergh chairman of the Nomination 
Committee and Alexander Ehrnrooth and Paul Ehrnrooth its other 


At the end of June, Fiskars signed an agreement to purchase Iittala Group 
Plc  with net sales of approximately EUR 200 million. The debt-free price 
for Iittala, which will be finally determined at closing, will be 
approximately EUR 230 million. The acquisition will be funded by using 
existing credit facilities.

The closing of the transaction was subject to approval by the competition 
authorities. The required approvals were received by August 1st 2007 and 
the acquisition is expected to be closed as planned at the end of August.


The full-year net sales for the Fiskars wholly-owned operations will grow, 
and the operating profit will exceed that of last year due to the level of 
sales and profits of the first two quarters as well as the restructuring 
measures gradually starting to take effect.

Iittala Group will be consolidated as from September 1st with Fiskars and 
it's net sales and operating profit, which is mostly generated during the 
last months of the year, will improve Fiskars' end-of-year figures.

Income from associated company Wärtsilä also forms a significant part of 
Fiskars' annual profit.

Heikki Allonen
President and CEO


This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim 
Financial Reporting. Using the same accounting principles and methods 
of computation as for the annual financial statements for 2006 with the 
exception of hedge accounting being applied on foreign currency net 
investments in subsidiaries.

Use of estimates
Complying with the IFRS standards in preparing financial statements 
requires the management to make estimates and assumptions. Such 
estimates affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the 
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and the amounts of 
revenues and expenses. Although these estimates are based on the 
management's best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results 
may differ from these estimates.

IAS 39 Financial instruments - hedge accounting for foreign currency net 
investments in subsidiaries
Significant equity investments in subsidiaries situated outside the Euro 
zone have largely been hedged against foreign currency exchange rate 
fluctuations through foreign currency loans and derivatives using the 
hedge accounting to reduce the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the 
Corporation's equity. When a foreign subsidiary is sold, these translation 
differences are included in the gain or loss on disposal reported in the 
income statement.
The change in calculation principles resulted in an increase in the review 
period's equity of EUR 0.6 million.

Discontinued operations
The Power Sentry division was divested in the summer of 2006 and is 
reported under discontinued operations. The gain from the sale and the 
division's net operating profit for the corresponding period last year is 
reported as a separate item under discontinued operations.

Formulas for calculation of key ratios
The key ratios presented in the interim reports have been calculated using 
the same formulas as the corresponding ratios in the latest financial 
statements. The formulas for calculation of ratios are available on page 36 
of the Annual Report.

As of January 1, 2007, Fiskars has applied the following new or amended 
IFRS standards:

IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. IFRS 7 requires additional 
disclosures about the influence of financial instruments on the entity's 
financial situation and results. Implementation will mainly influence 
future Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements and does not have 
any significant impact on the interim report.

Amendment to the IAS 1 standard: Presentation of Financial Statements - 
Capital Disclosures. Implementation of the amendment will mainly 
influence future Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements and does 
not have any significant impact on the interim report.

IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives. The Corporation 
estimates that this interpretation will not influence its consolidated 
financial statements or the interim report, as no company within the 
Corporation has changed contract stipulations as indicated by the 

IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment. IFRIC 10 states 
that an entity shall not reverse an impairment loss recognized in a 
previous interim period in respect of goodwill or an investment in either 
an equity instrument or a financial asset carried at cost. The Corporation 
estimates that this interpretation will not influence its consolidated 
financial statements or its interim report.

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT      4-6    4-6    chg    1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
                                  2007   2006      %   2007   2006      %   2006
                                  MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR

NET SALES                        165.5  151.3      9  317.5  290.4      9  534.9

Cost of goods sold              -109.3 -105.7      3 -212.9 -203.2      5 -375.4
GROSS PROFIT                      56.2   45.7     23  104.6   87.2     20  159.6

Other operating income            -0.1    1.4   -108    0.8    1.5    -47    1.3
Sales and marketing expenses     -19.5  -17.9      9  -40.8  -37.2     10  -73.3
Administration expenses          -12.3  -11.2     10  -25.4  -24.1      5  -45.3
Research and development costs    -1.5   -1.4     13   -3.0   -2.9      5   -6.1
Other operating expenses          -0.1   -4.9    -98   -0.6   -5.6    -89   -9.0
Income from associate              8.6   25.1    -66   15.5   33.9    -54   58.6
OPERATING PROFIT                  31.3   36.9    -15   51.1   52.8     -3   85.8

Financial income                   1.1   -0.2    690    1.7    0.5    234    1.8
Financial expenses                -3.5   -3.5      0   -5.8   -5.8     -1  -10.9
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES               28.9   33.2    -13   47.0   47.5     -1   76.7

Income taxes                      -3.6    4.3   -185   -7.1    2.2   -419   -9.8
PROFIT FROM CONTINUING OPERATIO   25.3   37.5    -33   40.0   49.7    -20   66.9

Profit from discontinued oper.           12.7                 13.0          15.2
PROFIT (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD      25.3   50.2    -50   40.0   62.7    -36   82.0

Minority share                     0.0                  0.0                  0.0
PROFIT FOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDER   25.3   50.2    -50   40.0   62.7    -36   82.0

Earnings for ordinary shareholders
per share, euro                   0.33   0.65          0.52   0.81          1.06
  continuing operations           0.33   0.48          0.52   0.64          0.86
  discontinued operations                0.16                 0.17          0.20

Earnings per share is undiluted. The company has no open option programs or
other earnings diluting financial instruments.

CURRENCY RATES                            1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
                                         2007   2006      %   2006
USD average rate (I/S)                   1.33   1.23      8   1.26
USD end-of-period (B/S)                  1.35   1.27      6   1.32

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET               6/07   6/06    chg  12/06
                                         MEUR   MEUR      %   MEUR

Intangible assets                        20.6   11.8     75   19.2
Goodwill                                 28.3   11.3    151   22.4
Tangible assets                          98.1  102.8     -5   98.7
Biological assets                        40.3   30.2     33   35.0
Investment property                       8.5    9.0     -6    8.7
Investment in associate                 227.8  232.9     -2  239.1
Other shares                              3.2    4.9    -35    5.0
Other investments                         1.7    1.2     33    1.5
Other long-term tax receivables           3.8    8.2    -54    5.5
Deferred tax assets                      23.2   32.9    -29   24.9
NON-CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL                455.3  445.2      2  460.0

Inventories                             126.9  103.5     23  114.6
Trade receivables                       125.2  108.9     15   82.7
Other receivables                         4.5    2.3     96    5.0
Cash in hand and at bank                 17.0   51.7    -67   44.9
CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL                    273.6  266.4      3  247.2

ASSETS TOTAL                            728.9  711.6      2  707.2


EQUITY                                  415.2  420.3     -1  421.8

Interest bearing debt                   132.3  135.9     -3  120.7
Non-interest bearing debt                 2.0    2.6    -22    2.6
Deferred tax liabilities                 22.5   17.4     29   20.8
Pension liability                        12.1   14.1    -14   12.8
Provisions                                4.3    6.6    -35    4.2
NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL           173.2  176.5     -2  161.1

Interest bearing debt                    22.1   17.7     25   26.1
Trade payable and
other non-interest bearing debt         114.0   90.9     25   92.6
Income tax payable                        4.5    6.1    -26    5.7
CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL               140.6  114.7     23  124.4

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES TOTAL            728.9  711.6      2  707.2

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT                    1-6    1-6   1-12
OF CASH FLOWS                            2007   2006   2006
                                         MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Net profit before taxes                  47.0   47.5   76.7
Adjustments for
  Depreciation                           10.4   12.6   28.6
  Income from associate                 -15.5  -33.9  -58.6
  Investment income                      -1.3   -0.4   -0.8
  Interest expense                        5.3    5.7    9.9
  Chg in value of biological assets      -5.3   -0.3   -5.0
Cash generated before working capital    40.7   31.2   50.8

Change in working capital
  Change in interest free assets        -36.6  -32.3   -5.4
  Change in inventories                 -10.0   12.4    7.6
  Change in interest free liabilities    17.9   11.2    7.6
Cash generated before financing and ta   12.0   22.5   60.6

Dividends from associate                 27.7   23.7   47.5
Dividends received, other                 0.1    3.6    3.6
Financial costs paid (net)               -5.2   -5.3   -7.4
Taxes paid                               -4.3   -3.0   -5.1

Acquisitions                            -13.1   -0.4  -26.0
Capital expenditure                      -8.1   -8.6  -19.3
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets        0.1    1.9    5.4
Sale of other l/t investments             3.2    1.8    2.2
Purchase of other l/t investments        -0.3   -5.1   -5.3
Cash flow from discontinued operations          32.7   33.0

Proceeds from l/t borrowings              0.0   15.0   15.0
Repayment of l/t borrowings              -0.2   -3.1   -4.6
Proceeds from (payment) of) s/t borrow    9.1  -14.4  -21.4
Payment of financial leases liabilitie   -1.5   -1.5   -2.8
Cash flows from other financing items    -0.7    0.1    0.1
Dividends paid                          -46.0  -34.4  -57.1

CHANGE IN CASH (A+B+C)                  -27.1   25.6   18.2

Cash at beginning of period              44.9   21.7   21.7
Translation difference                   -0.8    4.4    5.0
Cash at end of period                    17.0   51.7   44.9

STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN        Equity holders of the parent companMinorit  Total
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                           Other              interest
                                 Share    Own reser-Transl.Retain.
                               capital shares    vesadjustm  earn.
                                  MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Dec 31, 2005                      77.5   -0.9   24.7    1.2  300.3    0.0  402.7
Translation differences                                -1.6                 -1.6
Change in fair value reserve, associate         -9.0                        -9.0
Other changes in associate                             -0.2    0.0          -0.2
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY        -9.0   -1.8    0.0    0.0  -10.8
Net profit for the period                                     62.7          62.7
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                          -9.0   -1.8   62.7    0.0   52.0
Dividend distribution                                        -34.4         -34.4
Jun 30, 2006                      77.5   -0.9   15.7   -0.6  328.6    0.0  420.3
Translation differences                                -0.4                 -0.4
Change in fair value reserve, associate          5.8                         5.8
Other changes in associate                             -0.4   -0.1          -0.5
Other changes                                                         0.0    0.0
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY         5.8   -0.9   -0.1    0.0    4.9
Net profit for the period                                     19.3    0.0   19.3
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                           5.8   -0.9   19.2    0.0   24.2
Dividend distribution                                        -22.8         -22.8
Dec 31, 2006                      77.5   -0.9   21.6   -1.5  325.0    0.0  421.8
Translation differences                                -2.0                 -2.0
Change in fair value reserve, associate          0.3                         0.3
Other changes in associate                              0.5                  0.5
Cash flow hedges after taxes                     0.6                         0.6
NET INCOME RECOGNISED DIRECTLY IN EQUITY         0.9   -1.5    0.0    0.0   -0.6
Net profit for the period                                     40.0    0.0   40.0
EXPENSE FOR THE PERIOD                           0.9   -1.5   40.0    0.0   39.4
Dividend distribution                                        -46.0         -46.0
Jun 30, 2007                      77.5   -0.9   22.5   -3.0  319.1    0.0  415.2

Fiskars shares of associated company Wärtsilä's fair value reserve and its
changes are specified in the other reserves above.

KEY FIGURES                       6/07   6/06    chg  12/06
Equity/share, euro                5.36   5.43     -1   5.45
Equity ratio                       57%    59%           60%
Net gearing                        33%    24%           24%
Equity, meur                     415.2  420.3     -1  421.8
Net interest bear.debt, meur     137.4  101.9     35  101.9
Average number of employees       3112   3245     -4   3167
Number of employees eop           3333   3227      3   3003

SEGMENT INFORMATION                4-6    4-6    chg    1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
NET SALES                         2007   2006      %   2007   2006      %   2006
                                  MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                   145.8  138.4      5  282.7  266.4      6  489.9
Inha Works                        15.1   12.2     24   27.8   22.5     23   37.2
Real Estate                        5.0    1.6    203    8.0    2.8    189   10.3
Unallocated and eliminations      -0.4   -0.9    -56   -1.0   -1.3    -28   -2.4
CORPORATE TOTAL                  165.5  151.3      9  317.5  290.4      9  534.9

Export from Finland               17.8   15.4     16   38.6   33.2     16   58.9

SEGMENT INFORMATION                4-6    4-6           1-6    1-6          1-12
RESULT                            2007   2006          2007   2006          2006
                                  MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                    18.7   10.0          29.9   17.7          21.1
Inha Works                         2.0    1.6           3.6    2.7           3.7
Real Estate                        3.9    1.8           6.0    1.9           7.6
Associate Wärtsilä                 8.6   25.1          15.5   33.9          58.6
Unallocated and eliminations      -1.9   -1.8          -3.9   -3.5          -5.2
OPERATING PROFIT                  31.3   36.9          51.1   52.8          85.8

SEGMENT INFORMATION                4-6    4-6           1-6    1-6          1-12
DEPRECIATIONS                     2007   2006          2007   2006          2006
                                  MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                     4.5    5.5           9.0   11.2          25.8
Inha Works                         0.3    0.3           0.7    0.6           1.2
Real Estate                        0.4    0.3           0.7    0.6           1.4
Unallocated and eliminations       0.1    0.0           0.1    0.1           0.1
CORPORATE TOTAL                    5.2    6.1          10.4   12.6          28.6

SEGMENT INFORMATION                4-6    4-6           1-6    1-6          1-12
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE               2007   2006          2007   2006          2006
                                  MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Fiskars Brands                    16.9    3.8          19.5    6.1          37.5
Inha Works                         1.1    0.4           1.7    0.6           1.2
Real Estate                        0.3    0.6           0.6    1.3           1.9
Unallocated and eliminations       0.2                  0.3    0.0           0.3
CORPORATE TOTAL                   18.5    4.8          22.1    7.9          40.8

GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT               4-6    4-6    chg    1-6    1-6    chg   1-12
NET SALES BASED ON CUSTOMER       2007   2006      %   2007   2006      %   2006
LOCATION                          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR   MEUR          MEUR
Europe                            91.8   71.5     28  177.1  140.5     26  257.1
USA                               64.2   66.4     -3  120.9  127.2     -5  235.2
Rest of the world                  9.5   13.3    -29   19.5   22.6    -14   42.6
CORPORATE TOTAL                  165.5  151.3      9  317.5  290.4      9  534.9

Short delivery times are a prerequisite in Fiskars' fields of operations.
Therefore, the backlog of orders and changes in it are not of
significant importance.


Fiskars acquired the French company Leborgne S.A. in May.
The company produces garden tools in France and in addition to the French
market sells them in Spain, Belgium and Italy.
The net sales for Leborgne in 2006 was EUR 16 million.

Purchase price paid in cash                            12.8
Acquisition related costs                               0.4
Fair value of acquired assets                           6.9
GOODWILL                                                6.3

                                                book   fair
ACQUIRED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES               values values
Non-current assets                               0.9    3.7
Inventories                                      3.2    3.3
Receivables                                      6.1    6.1
Cash and bank                                    0.1    0.1
Deferred tax liability                           0.0   -1.0
Non-current liabilities                         -0.9   -0.9
Current liabilities                             -4.5   -4.5
TOTAL                                            4.9    6.9

CONTINGENCIES AND PLEDGED ASSETS         6/07   6/06  12/06
                                         MEUR   MEUR   MEUR
Discounted bills of exchange                       0      0
Lease commitments                          17     20     19
Other contingencies                         8      8      9
TOTAL                                      25     29     28

Real estate mortgages                       2      2      2



Forward exchange contracts                 74     94     94


Forward exchange contracts                 -1      0      0

Forward exchange contracts have been valued at market in the
financial statements.
