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Fiskars Corporation      STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                                 
                         20 September, 2007, 9.15 a.m.                          

FISKARS UPDATES ITS FINANCIAL OUTLOOK FOR 2007                                  

Subsequent to the Iittala Group consolidation as of September 1st 2007 Fiskars  
Corporation net sales are estimated to grow by around 20% in 2007 compared to   
the previous year.                                                              

Earnings before interests and tax (EBIT) of the wholly owned businesses in      
Fiskars are estimated to further increase from last year. Main contributors to  
the increase are:                                                               

- Consolidation of the Iittala Group where profits are estimated to be mainly   
generated during the last months of the year as has been the case during the    
previous years.                                                                 

- Gradually improving profitability experienced in Fiskars Brands during the    
first 8 months that is largely a result of the restructuring measures           
implemented in 2005 - 2006 as well as positive development at Inha Works.       

- The continued price increases of standing timber.                             

The share of profits from the associated company Wärtsilä is estimated to again 
form a substantial part of Fiskars' operating profit in 2007.                   

Fiskars net earnings this year will further be enhanced as the company has sold 
some of it's Wärtsilä B-shares and subsequently acquired a corresponding amount 
of Wärtsilä A-shares creating a non-recurring capital gain.                     

Fiskars will publish its Interim Report for the period January-September on     
November 1, 2007.                                                               

Heikki Allonen                                                                  
President and CEO                                                               

Founded in 1649, Fiskars ( is an international corporation which 
includes the subsidiaries Fiskars Brands, Iittala Group, Inha Works, and the    
Real Estate Group. Fiskars holdings in associated company Wärtsilä is also an   
important part of Fiskars Corporation. In 2006, the net sales of Fiskars        
Corporation was EUR 535 million, its operating profit EUR 86 million. The       
Corporation employed some 3,000 people around the world.
