Flex LNG invitation to Investor Day and Q4 Earnings Release

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In connection with the scheduled 2019 fourth quarter and full year presentation, Flex LNG Ltd is pleased to invite investors, analysts, financiers and media to take part in our Investor Day on Wednesday February 26, 2020 at 14:30 CET.


14:30    Registration and coffee

15:00    Investor Day presentation including interim report for Q4-2019 and full year 2019

                Øystein M. Kalleklev, CEO Flex LNG

Harald Gurvin, CFO Flex LNG

16:15     Q&A session

16:45     Coffee break

17:00     LNG technology perspectives

                Lars Pedersen, MD Flex LNG Fleet Management

17:25     Carbon capture explained

                Torleif Madsen, CEO Compact Carbon Capture

17:50     Closing remarks

18:00     End of program

Venue for the event: Felix Conference Center, Bryggetorget 3, 0250 Oslo, Norway.

In order to attend the event you may do one of the following:

 1. Attend the physical event at Felix Conference Center

Please e-mail your attendance to: ir@flexlng.com prior to Monday February 24, 2020.

2. Attend Event by Webcast

On conference day, go to the follow link: https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/7yprvtvc

to register in order to view the webcast starting 15:00 CET on Wednesday February 26, 2020.

3. Attend Event by Conference Call

On conference day, call one of the following participant dial-in telephone numbers: 

Norway: +47 21 56 31 62

United Kingdom: +44 (0) 203 0095710

United Kingdom (local): 0844 493 3857

United States (Toll Free): +1 866 869 2321

Confirmation Code: 1758646

Participants will be asked for their full name & Conference ID. Replay details will be available at www.flexlng.com

The presentation material and the Q4 2019 earnings release will be made available on www.newsweb.no (http://www.newsweb.no) and www.flexlng.com on or about 07:00am CET on Wednesday February 26, 2020.                                                                

For details, contact: Harald Gurvin, CFO Flex LNG Management AS

Telephone: +47 23 11 40 00

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
