UGC hero of the month – July 2020: Scorett
We're proud to announce that the winner of July 2020’s UGC hero of the month is Scorett!
Scorett is one of Sweden’s largest shoe retailers, both online and in-store, with a very extensive assortment of brands and styles of shoes for both women and men.
Scorett has been using Flowbox for almost two and a half years now, and their flows are very eye catching. Using the platform’s Create Post function, Scorett has created a flow called “Influencer Top Picks” where some of their brand ambassadors show off their favorite shoes from Scorett. This is a really creative way to use Flowbox’s features to display and push other types of content than UGC on their website. It also generates an increase in both time spent onsite as well as conversion rates as customers are more prone to buy products recommended by their favorite influencers.
Using a flow like this to feature influencers’ top picks creates such a dynamic aspect to the website in addition to the standard UGC flow featuring customers’ own photos really makes the page come alive.
We love both the idea and the execution, and we’re so proud to have Scorett onboard as Flowboxers. Congratulations on becoming UGC hero of the month! ⭐️
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For more information, contact:
Bianca Rior, Content Editor, Flowbox