Tillägg till Delårsrapport Q1 2024

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Flowscape adderar information till första kvartalsrapporten 2024.

På förfrågan från aktieägare väljer Flowscape att addera information till första kvartalsrapporten 2024. Tillägget finnes under ’Januari – mars i korthet, koncernen’ och utgörs av följande två punkter:

  • Inkomna ordrar som ej fakturerats uppgick till 2 064 (1 555) TSEK, varav 843 (497) TSEK är årligen återkommande intäkter. 
  • De årligen återkommande intäkterna (ARR) uppgick till 30.2 (25.7 ) MSEK.

This information is only available in the Swedish language

This disclosure contains information that Flowscape Technology is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 22-05-2024 11:19 CET.

For additional information, please contact: 

Peter Reigo
CEO, Flowscape
Cellphone: +46 (0) 70 942 4687
E-mail: peter.reigo@flowscapesolutions.com

Certified Adviser: Skills Corporate Finance Nordic AB, phone: +46 (8) 517 082 40, email: ca@skillscorp.se

About Flowscape Technology AB

Flowscape is a SaaS company with a world-leading solution for the hybrid office, optimizing office space, and creating a more efficient workday. The solution utilizes the latest sensor technology to provide a state-of-the-art SaaS solution for smart offices. The main function, Flowmap, gives companies an overview of the office and enables them to quickly find rooms, desks, office equipment, and colleagues, as well as analyze the use of spaces. Flowscape also offers a communication tool for efficient geo-fence-specific communication to people in a building or within a designated area in the event of a crisis. Flowscape has offices in Stockholm (headquarters), Sofia, San Francisco, and London.

For more information, please visit: www.flowscapesolutions.com


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