Munich Airport again recognized for high environmental management standards

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  • Certification through independent experts
  • Airport's environmental management system exceeds official standards
  • Environmental Declaration provides information on measures and key performance indicators at the airport

2019 Environmental Declaration released

Independent environmental auditors have again found Munich Airport to be in full compliance with the EMAS and ISO 14001 standards and praised its strong environmental stewardship. The results show that Munich Airport meets the strict environmental standards under the European EMAS Regulation and the criteria of the international ISO EN DIN 14001:2015 standard. In the report, which the Munich Airport operating company (FMG) commissioned on a voluntary basis, the airport was recognized for its commitment to the environment for the 14th consecutive year. The auditors reaffirmed the effectiveness of the airport's highly successful environmental management system, which goes far beyond the basic legal requirements. 

Environmental management at Munich Airport takes a comprehensive approach to capture all possible effects resulting from airport operations. As a starting point, environmental data, for example on the consumption of energy inputs and resources, are collected and analyzed. In the next step, these data are used to develop extensive measures to further reduce the environmental impact and thus to continuously improve the airport's environmental performance.

The latest environmental declaration has just been released. It provides insights into key environmental protection measures at Munich Airport and presents the related performance indicators. Environmental protection is of the utmost importance to Munich Airport. Against the backdrop of the threat of climate change, it is essential to find efficient solutions for environmentally friendly air transportation. The Environmental Declaration maps out new approaches for addressing the major challenges this will involve.

The 2019 Environmental Declaration is available at

Corinna Born
Corporate Communications
Director International Media Relations 
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