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  • New article reveals promising results of using FluoGuide’s FG002 technology in guiding surgical removal of cancer

New article reveals promising results of using FluoGuide’s FG002 technology in guiding surgical removal of cancer

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Copenhagen, Denmark, 17 June 2021 FluoGuide A/S ("FluoGuide" or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that promising preclinical data with the Company’s compound FG002 has been published in a peer reviewed journal. FG002 lights up the invasive growth of cancer and thereby has the potential to improve cancer surgery.

The preclinical study demonstrated FG002 to light up cancer with several promising features holding great promises for the use of guiding surgical removal of cancer. FG002 was tested in an orthotopic xenograft model using human glioblastoma cells. The article is titled “IRDye800CW Labelled uPAR-Targeting Peptide for Fluorescence-Guided Glioblastoma Surgery: Preclinical Studies in Orthotopic Xenografts”. FluoGuide’s founder and CSO Andreas Kjær is one of the authors of the article (link to article: https://www.thno.org/v11p7159.pdf).

“With the preclinical data on our second compound FG002, we now have two products with great features and different properties positioning us well for fully exploiting uPAR in guiding cancer surgery within different kinds of cancers” says Morten Albrechtsen, CEO,” We are at the same time broadening our target indications with both FG001 and FG002 to help even more patients with cancer”.

About FG002

FG002 is FluoGuide’s second product and designed similarly to FG001 in that it will allow surgeons to clearly differentiate cancer from normal tissue during surgery through a novel uPAR-targeted luminescent technology. FG002 is based on a novel fluorophore and is eliminated through the kidneys, compared to FG001 which is excreted by the liver. Therefore, the Company believes that FG002 will be suitable for use in gastrointestinal tumors, such as colorectal cancer. FluoGuide expects to initiate preclinical development with FG002 in H2 2021.

The fluorophore in FG002, IRDye 800CW, was licensed non-exclusively by FluoGuide in August 2020 from LI-COR Biosciences (link to press release:  https://fluoguide.com/fluoguide-a-s-and-li-cor-biosciences-sign-agreement-to-develop-upar-targeted-products-to-guide-oncology-surgery-using-li-cors-proprietary-next-generation-fluorophore-irdye-800cw/) and the FG002 compound was licensed exclusively from Rigshospitalet and the University of Copenhagen in April 2020 (link to press release: https://fluoguide.com/fluoguide-secures-a-pipeline-of-upar-targeting-products/).

For further information, please contact:

Morten Albrechtsen, CEO
Telephone: +45 24 25 62 66
E-mail: ma@fluoguide.com

Certified Adviser:

Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgransking AB
Phone: +46 70 755 95 51
E-mail: ca@skmg.se

About FluoGuide

FluoGuide’s primary focus is to maximize surgical outcomes in oncology. The Company’s lead product, FG001, is designed to improve surgical precision by illuminating cancer cells intraoperatively. The improved precision enabled by FluoGuide’s products has a dual benefit – it reduces both the frequency of local recurrence post-surgery and lessens surgical sequelae. Ultimately, the improved precision will improve a patient’s chance of achieving a complete cure and will lower system-wide healthcare costs. The Company is conducting a proof-of-concept clinical study (phase I/II) to demonstrate the effect of FG001 in patients with high grade glioma. FluoGuide is listed on Nasdaq First North Sweden under the ticker “FLUO”.

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