Do you Dare to Dangle at ‘Dunum

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The Friends of High Borrans will be leaping into action in June, to raise money for their Lake District based activity centre. A sponsored abseil which takes place at Segedunum will offer a great day out for anyone who wants to raise funds for this charity which supports thousands of youngsters each from across North Tyneside.

The Friends of High Borrans aims to enrich the learning of children and young people, improving their personal and social development and environmental awareness. They achieve this by using raising funds to improve the access to High Borrans outdoor activity centre on the edge of Lake Windermere, for children who may not be able to attend in normal circumstances.

High Borrans is North Tyneside Council’s nominated outdoor education centre in the Lake District and used by almost every school in the area. There are a huge variety of activities and outdoor experiences, from canoeing on a self contained tarn or on the larger surrounding lakes to ghyll scrambling and caving.

On Tuesday 25th of June 2013, Friends of High Borrans is holding an abseiling event off the Tower at Segedunum Roman Fort, from 3.00pm to 8.00pm.  The event is part of the FOHB ‘Young Leaders Award 2013’ where young people will be challenging themselves, developing skills and evidence experiences that employers are looking for.

To confirm your place, you can telephone: 015394 42816 or email:  To join this challenge there is a minimum sponsorship of £25.00 per person, and all money raised will go to FOHB, to support and further opportunities offered by High Borrans to the young people of North Tyneside including the Young Leaders.

Alex Giles from FOHB commented: ‘Anybody can get involved, and it really is a case of the more the merrier! Whether you take part in the challenge or sponsor somebody, or even just come down and show your support it will be a fun day for all who attend.’

Mark Carton

0191 5641444




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