Fortum on 'The Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations' list

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Fortum has been chosen for the first time for 'The Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations' list. The 2008 list was announced at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos last week. In addition to Fortum, only four other Finnish companies were chosen for the list.

The assessment of the world's 100 most sustainable corporations was conducted by Innovest Strategic Value Advisors Inc. The participating companies were particularly evaluated according to how effectively they manage environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities relative to their industry peers.

"Fortum has been included for five years in-a-row in the New York Stock Exchange’s Dow Jones Sustainability Index. We have also received several other international rewards and recognitions for our work. We are very happy to have been selected as one of the most sustainable corporations in the world. It shows that we are moving in the right direction," says Mikael Lilius, President and CEO of Fortum.

Fortum is committed to sustainable development. This is why sustainability has also been imbedded in the company's vision statement: To be the benchmark power and heat company excelling in sustainability.

Fortum has been included in the DJSI World index since 2004. The chosen companies for the index are ranked best in their sector world-wide regarding sustainability. Furthermore, Fortum was ranked the most responsible energy company in Norwegian finance group Storebrand's global "Best in Class" report. In the overall assessment, Fortum scored highest.

Fortum Corporation
Corporate Communications

Further information:

Carola Teir-Lehtinen, Corporate Vice President, Sustainability
Tel. +358 10 45 24118
