Fortum’s own new eco-labels help companies curb climate change

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Fortum’s own new eco-labels help companies curb climate change

Fortum will introduce two own new eco-labels for the Finnish and Swedish markets. Electricity that is produced* without carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will carry the Fortum Carbon Free eco-label, and electricity produced from entirely renewable energy sources will carry the Fortum Renewable eco-label. Quantitatively, Fortum is the largest retailer of eco-labelled energy in the Nordic countries.

Fortum has consistently reduced CO2 emissions in its energy production. The company’s long-term target is that its electricity production will generate no greenhouse gas emissions. At the moment, over 80% of Fortum’s electricity production is CO2-free and over 40% is produced with renewable energy sources.

”The decision to adopt our own eco-labels stemmed from the wishes of our customers. The content of the eco-labels was also driven by customer demand. With the new eco-labels, we are helping our customers make decisions that are important in terms of the future,” says Jukka Toivonen, VP, Large Customer Sales at Fortum Markets.

Fortum's own new eco-labels comply with the international standard ISO 14021 "Environmental labels and declarations, self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labeling)." In addition, Fortum Renewable is based on the EU directive-compliant guaranteed origin of energy produced from renewable energy sources and has been included in the green certificate interest group’s RECS International Quality Standard system.

Fortum’s eco-labelled electricity is produced in Nordic production facilities, and an independent auditor annually verifies that the eco-labelled electricity production corresponds to the amount of the electricity sold.

All Fortum’s new, large corporate customers automatically receive Fortum Carbon Free labelled electricity with no separate environmental surcharge. Also the company’s approximately 1,000 existing customers will be switched to Fortum Carbon Free electricity.

Fortum Renewable is an extra fee eco-label that corporate customers can include in their electricity agreement. It guarantees that the electricity used by the customer is produced entirely from renewable energy sources. The Fortum Renewable label is also offered as a stand-alone, environmental value delivery outside the scope of an electricity agreement for customers who do not purchase electricity from Fortum.

The goal is that eco-labels significantly increase the demand for CO2-free electricity production in the Nordic countries and lead to new production that is cleaner for the environment.

*) In the production phase.

Fortum Markets

For additional information: Jukka Toivonen, Fortum Markets, +358 50 45 36729 and Esko Kaljala, Fortum Markets, +358 50 45 36590
