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  • Cause of automatic shutdown at Fortum's Loviisa nuclear power plant unit 1 located

Cause of automatic shutdown at Fortum's Loviisa nuclear power plant unit 1 located

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Fortum Power and Heat  
Press release
Cause of automatic shutdown at Fortum's Loviisa nuclear power plant unit 1

The reason for the malfunction that caused an automatic shutdown this morning
at Fortum's Loviisa nuclear power plant's unit 1 has been located and examined.
The malfunction occurred in the unit's turbine system's main steam line during
regular weekly testing. The malfunctioning selection switch of the isolation
valves has now been replaced and tested. 

Fortum continues to examine other observations related to the incident and
after that prepares for the restart of Loviisa 1. 

The incident does not cause any threat to people, the power plant or the
environment. Loviisa power plant's unit 2 is in normal production. 

Fortum Power and Heat
Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant

Markku Tiitinen, Deputy Plant Manager, +358 10 4554 012
