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  • Fortum commences the 2018-2020 incentive plan as part of its ongoing long-term incentive programme

Fortum commences the 2018-2020 incentive plan as part of its ongoing long-term incentive programme

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The Board of Directors of Fortum Corporation has decided to commence the 2018-2020 long-term incentive (LTI) plan for key employees and executives. The 2018-2020 LTI plan is part of Fortum's ongoing LTI programme and follows the same principles as the previous plan.

The objective of the LTI programme is to support the implementation of the company’s strategy, delivery of sustainable long-term value enhancing performance, and to align the interests of the executive management and key employees with its shareholders.

The performance measures applied to the 2018-2020 LTI plan will be based on cumulative Earnings Per Share over three years and the Total Shareholder Return measured relative to the European Utilities Group, both with an equal weight of 50%. Potential rewards related to the 2018-2020 LTI plan will be paid in the spring 2021, assuming that the performance targets set by the Board of Directors are achieved.

The 2018-2020 LTI plan will comprise approximately 110 participants, including the members of Fortum Executive Management.

The maximum number of shares that may potentially be delivered as a reward under the 2018-2020 LTI plan, based on the currently prevailing price of Fortum’s share, is expected not to exceed 700,000 shares.

In December 2016, Fortum announced an amendment of its LTI programme. The programme complies with the Finnish government ownership guidelines for management remuneration. The combined value of all variable compensation paid to an individual participant under the long and short-term incentive plans may not exceed 120 per cent of the person’s gross annual fixed salary in any year.

For further information regarding the company’s inventive programmes, please see Fortum’s Remuneration Statement: www.fortum.com/investors.

Fortum Corporation

Ingela Ulfves
Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial Communications

Further information:
Måns Holmberg, Manager, Investor Relations & Financial Communications, tel. +358 44 518 1518

Jari Laitinen, Vice President, Compensation and Benefits, tel. +358 40 660 2506


Nasdaq Helsinki
Key media


Fortum on johtava puhtaan energian yhtiö, joka toimittaa asiakkailleen sähköä, lämpöä ja jäähdytystä sekä älykkäitä ratkaisuja resurssitehokkuuden parantamiseen. Haluamme edistää asiakkaidemme ja yhteiskunnan kanssa muutosta kohti puhtaampaa maailmaa. Palveluksessamme on noin 9 000 ammattilaista Pohjoismaissa, Baltian maissa, Venäjällä, Puolassa ja Intiassa. Sähköntuotannostamme 62 % on CO₂-päästötöntä. Vuonna 2016 liikevaihtomme oli 3,6 miljardia euroa. Fortumin osake noteerataan Nasdaq Helsingissä. www.fortum.com/fi
