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  • Over half of the demolition waste in first phase of dismantling Fortum’s Inkoo coal-fired power plant has been recycled

Over half of the demolition waste in first phase of dismantling Fortum’s Inkoo coal-fired power plant has been recycled

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The demolition of Fortum’s Inkoo coal-fired power plant is advancing along the planned schedule. According to Project Manager Juha Tella, the demolition of Finland’s biggest power plant has progressed without any significant surprises.During the first phase, the office and workshop building as well as the social facilities and housing barracks in the power plant area were demolished. As much as 58 per cent of the demolition material thus far has been recycled.In terms of the technical equipment, the number one unit’s flue-gas cleaning plant and part of the desulphurisation plant have been demolished.“We aim to recycle as much of the demolition waste as possible. We have sold spare parts to other companies and recycled parts to our own power plants,” says Site Manager Marko Vuorela from Fortum’s Recycling and Waste Solutions unit.The pulverised concrete generated in the demolition of the buildings is cleaned and used as filler material for old ash basins, among other things. The scrap metal generated in conjunction with the dismantling is sold for further processing and recycled.“We have completed the first phase of the demolition work, i.e. the removal of hazardous substances from the buildings and the demolition of service buildings in the area. Now we will start the demolition of the actual power plant building, starting with the number-one unit. Then the demolition work will continue one unit at a time. The last task is to take down the power plant’s two high chimneys and to level the area. According to the plan, the chimneys should disappear from the Inkoo landscape in late 2019,” says Project Manager Juha Tella from Fortum. Fortum’s decision to demolish the outdated Inkoo coal-fired power plant was made at the end of 2016. The demolition work began in spring 2017. The demolition of Finland’s biggest coal-fired power plant is one of the biggest demolition jobs in the country’s history. The demanding work is being done by Fortum’s Recycling and Waste Solutions unit. The work is expected to generate about 230,000 tonnes of demolition waste. Fortum Corporation
Group Communications

Further information: 
Juha Tella, Project Manager, Fortum, +358 504521713

More about the topic: 
http://wastesolutions.fortum.com/en/services/demolition-and-renovation/  First phase of demolition:About 3,000 tonnes of cleaned, pulverised concrete has been generated

Fortum is a leading clean-energy company that provides its customers with electricity, heating and cooling as well as smart solutions to improve resource efficiency. We want to engage our customers and society to join the change for a cleaner world. We employ some 9,000 professionals in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia, Poland and India, and 62% of our electricity generation is CO2 free. In 2016, our sales were EUR 3.6 billion. Fortum’s share is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. 
