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Fortum Corporation        STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE
                         14 March 2005                  1 (3)


Not for release, publication or distribution in the United States of America.

On 10 March 2005, Fortum Corporation announced that it would be proposing to
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting on 31 March 2005 a dividend
distribution of approximately 85% of the shares outstanding of Neste Oil

The remaining approximately 15% of Neste Oil shares, subject to market
conditions, will be sold to retail investors in Finland and to institutional
investors in Finland and internationally. The dividend distribution is
conditional upon the acceptance of Neste Oil shares for trading on the Main List
of the Helsinki Stock Exchange.

After the separation of the oil businesses Fortum's core businesses are the
generation, distribution and sale of electricity and heat, the operation and
maintenance of power plants as well as energy related services.

Unaudited combined pro forma financial information

The unaudited combined pro forma financial information set forth below is
presented to illustrate the certain key financials of Fortum Group ('Fortum') for
the period ended as of 31 December 2004 as if the separation of Neste Oil Group
('Neste Oil') through dividend distribution of approximately 85% of the shares
and selling of the remaining approximately 15% of the shares had taken place on 1
January 2004 relating to income statement data and 31 December 2004 relating to
balance sheet data. The combined pro forma financial information is based on the
audited consolidated financial statements year 2004 of Fortum, the audited
combined carve-out and consolidated financial statements year 2004 of Neste Oil
and the unaudited adjustments relating directly to the transactions and internal
eliminations between remaining Fortum and Neste Oil.

In the pro forma calculation it is assumed that the net debt of Fortum had
decreased by repayment of short-term loans equalling the net debt of Neste Oil
amounting to EUR 865 million according to Finnish GAAP at the end of 2004 and
proceeds from the selling of the approximately 15% shareholding of Neste Oil
Corporation. However, inasmuch as the actual level of Neste Oil's interest-
bearing net debt as of such date or at anytime thereafter is subject to various
factors, including the operating results and cash flows of Neste Oil during the
three months ended 31 March, 2005 and thereafter, no assurance can be given as to
the actual level of interest-bearing net debt as of such date or at any time
thereafter. In this pro forma calculation assumed proceeds from selling of the
shares are equal to approximately 15% of the book value of the consolidated
equity of Neste Oil as of 31 December 2004 according to Finnish GAAP which might
be different from the market value of the shares. The adjustments do not include
potential income, capital gains or losses, savings or expenses.

In the pro forma calculation the unaudited IFRS impact to the remaining Fortum is
also illustrated.

The combined pro forma financial information has been given solely for
illustrative purposes and, due to its nature, does not as such provide a true and
fair view of Fortum's financial position or results year 2004 or thereafter.

 Pro forma Fortum Group income statement related data                    
 (EUR million)      Fortum  Neste    Adjust-m Fortum  IFRS   Fortum  
                    (1)     Oil      ents (3)                        
                                              Pro     Adj.   Pro     
                                              forma   (3),   forma   
                                              (3)     (4)    IFRS    
 12 months to 31 December 2004                                           
 - Net Sales        11,665  -7,909     85(5)   3,841    -6   3,835   
 - EBITDA            2,425    -830    -14(6)   1,581   -18   1,563   
 - Operating profit  1,914    -712    -14(6)   1,188     7   1,195   

 Pro forma Fortum Group balance sheet related data and key ratios           
 (EUR million)       Fortum  Neste    Adjust-m Fortum  IFRS      Fortum  
                     (1)     Oil      ents                               
                             (1),(7)  (3)                                
                                               Pro     Adj.      Pro     
                                               forma   (3),(4)   forma   
                                               (3)               IFRS    
 As of 31 December 2004                                                     
 - Net Debt           4,896    -865   -129(8)   3,902    95      3,997   
 - Shareholders'      7,394    -860    129(8)   6,663   -22(9)   6,641   
 - Minority             261      -5      -        256  -111        145   
 - Total assets      16,704  -2,838    153(5)  14,019     -          -   
 -  Gearing (10)        64%       -      -        56%     -         59%  

(1) Audited
(2) Based on Neste Oil combined carve-out financial statements for 2004 in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Finland ("Finnish
(3) Unaudited
4) Based on Appendix: "Transition to International Financial Reporting Standards
IFRS (2005)" in Fortum Corporation financial statements 2004 disclosed February
3, 2005, Note 24 and 25 "Transition to International Financial Reporting
Standards IFRS (2005)" in Neste Oil consolidated financial statements as of
December 31, 2004 and Neste Oil combined carve-out financial statements for 2004
respectively and as well as intragroup items.
(5) Adjustments reflect reversal of the eliminations of the intragroup items i.e.
no change in operating profit.
(6) Adjustment reflect adding back the carved-out corporate staff costs included
in Neste Oil combined carve-out financial statements since no savings are
(7) Based on Neste Oil consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2004
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Finland ("Finnish
(8) Adjustment reflect the impact of the assumed sale of approximately 15% of the
shares in Neste Oil. In this pro forma calculation the assumed proceeds from
selling of the shares are equal to approximately 15% of the book value of the
equity of Neste Oil as of December 31, 2004 according to Finnish GAAP which might
be different from the market value of the shares.
(9) IFRS adjustments related to the remaining Fortum.
(10) Gearing is calculated as Interest-bearing net debt over shareholders' equity
plus minority interest.

Fortum Corporation will publish a detailed IFRS transition stock exchange release
in early April.

A teleconference for international analysts and investors will be arranged on
Tuesday, 15 March at 4:00 pm Finnish time (GMT+2). To listen to the call please
dial +44 (0) 1452 568 061.

Fortum Corporation
Carola Teir-Lehtinen
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications

Helsinki Stock Exchange

Key media

For further information please contact

Juha Laaksonen, CFO, tel. +358 10 452 4519

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