Record-high production year 2009 at Fortum's Loviisa power plant in Finland

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Fortum Power and Heat Oy
Press release
4 January 2010
Record-high production year 2009 at Fortum's Loviisa power plant in Finland
The year 2009 was one of the best in Fortum's Loviisa nuclear power plant's 
operation history in terms of safety and production. During the year, not a
single international INES classified event occurred. Loviisa power plant
produced 8.16 terawatt hours of electricity and the capacity factor describing
the power plant's availability was 95.7 per cent. Both figures are record-high
in the power plant's operation history. 

Production period almost uninterrupted
Production period 2009 was almost uninterrupted, indicating high quality
operations and maintenance activities. The only small unplanned production loss
was caused by a main coolant pump oil leakage non-safety event at Loviisa 2 in
the beginning of the year. The planned annual outages of the units were
successful and lasted for 17 and 18 days. One suspected leaking fuel element
was removed from the Loviisa 2 reactor core during the outage. 

Progress in power plant automation modernisation

The use of digital automation in the control and monitoring of the Loviisa
power plant process began when the first phase of the automation modernisation
was taken into use also in Unit 2 during the year. The corresponding change was
done in Unit 1 in 2008. Preparations for future automation installations are

Safety at good level

In 2009, Loviisa power plant did not have any International Nuclear Event Scale
(INES) classified events. Long-term work at the power plant to reduce the
radiation doses of the personnel and the number of accidents continued. The
occupational injuries reduced from the previous years: in 2009, there were five
occupational injuries that led to more than one day of absence to own personnel
and contractors. The radiation doses of the personnel continued to decrease in
the long-term follow-up. 

Twenty new people recruited

The Loviisa power plant's staff is experiencing a change of generation. In
2009, twenty new people were recruited to the plant. The number of employees in
the power plant amounted to 490 Fortum workers and 100 workers from other
companies. During the planned annual outages, the number of outside workers
rose to 1,000. 

Preparations for Loviisa 3 project continue

The technical preparations for the Loviisa 3 project continued during 2009. On
February 5th, 2009, Fortum submitted to the Government of Finland an
application for a decision-in-principle concerning the construction of a new
nuclear power plant unit in Loviisa. The decision-in-principle is expected to
take place during 2010. 


According to international comparison, the capacity factors of the Loviisa
power plant are top level in the world. The capacity factor describes the
plants' production during a certain period of time compared to nominal
Fortum is one of the cleanest producers of electricity in Europe. Approximately
90% of the company's Nordic electricity production is carbon dioxide free and
approximately 40% produced with renewable energy sources. 

Fortum, Power Division
Loviisa Power Plant

For further information, please contact:

Timo Eurasto, Manager, Operation, tel. +358 10 45 54010 or +358 50 45 54010
Markku Tiitinen, Deputy General Manager, tel. +358 10 45 54012 or +358 40 8311
Magnus Halin, Group Manager, tel. +358 10 45 53700 or +358 50 45 53700
